Running for CSM next year:

could you do a coup once in the CSM, throw the others in jail and grab all the power for yourself?

Would be fitting of EVE, but alas no.

All changes to CSM would apply to me and my seat equally.

I could title myself “Supreme Dictator”, but that would be true in name only.

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anarchy! just how i like it!

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Regular, high post count does however show I am not passive and will be very active in CSM issues/business.

I think there are more than enough players dissatisfied with the CSM program for me to get voted in on that platform.

It will be very challenging for me to reach them, but they are out there.

Salvos running for CSM?


49 posts to me, 42 posts to the remaining top 5, combined.

Vote for me, or dont.
Up to you.

PS: Where did your Futurama laughing gif dissappear?
Not laughing anymore?

I am still laughing, I can tell you. You running for CSM with your “I don’t respond to criticism and only answer in circles until my critic realizes it doesn’t make sense because I never answer anyway” - mentality? That is one of the best jokes I’ve heard in years. :smiley:

I don’t know where that gif went too, but the fact that you’ve seen it is all I needed. :smiley:

On a second thought: maybe you could get a token place on the next CSM provided by goons, just to allow you the opportunity to realize that CSM is not exactly what you think it is.


Will you still be laughing if I get elected?

absolutely, yes. :smiley:


My biggest concern about him actually winning a seat isn’t the dumbass stuff he could do once there (this isn’t a political office, and EVE isn’t a democracy.) My concern is that then he’ll somehow start posting to the forums even more, giving a patina of legitimacy to the cloud of dumbassery that stinks up every single thread he’s ever posted in. I mean, he’s only got like a 1% post rate where what he’s posted isn’t complete garbage, and I can’t imagine him somehow posting less often if he got on the CSM.


Probably less, as I will be busy with CSM business.
Also, I will be held to CSM standards, so I wont have the levity I currently have.

That is the most convincing argument for a vote for salvos. I can already imagine the slogan “vote me and you’ll find less nonsense on forums”.

Shame though that only a minority reads forums. Probably not enough to make that happen.


lol, that’s not exactly a promising platform: “Vote for me and I’ll stop holding every potentially interesting thread hostage with my inability to form a coherent thought! Join the Getting-me-to-shut-up party!”



Most CSM post their output to their own personal blog/twitter/websites.
Some post none at all.

I will post mine here in the appropriate CSM section.

(Ill add this to my campaign profile eventually)

Well, to be fair: I don’t think he is unable to do that. It’s just the fact that he only ever baits for lines he can morph into a positive argument for him, while absolutely disregarding everything else that is said in oposition to him.

Not sure if this is deliberate to make everyone else question humanity, or an illness of some sort but yeah, imho, he doesn’t discuss anything and it would be an improvement in quality for these forums if he would insert himself less.


I can say that I absolutely 100% endorse this thread though, even though you’d have to be retarded to endorse the candidate. With 640 posts in a couple short days, it’s far more challenging to crap on the floor if you’re too busy crapping in the toilet.


I think you should take a break, if posts here make you question humanity or illness of some sort.

I am human, and am not ill in any way.
Im in good health, both psychiatric and physical.

Ah. So your posting history is a moral failing rather than a mental health failing. Good to know. However, there’s a reason psych patients aren’t typically allowed to treat themselves.

Also not a good sign: having to reassure potential voters you’re not fundamentally broken in spite of every ounce of evidence indicating the opposite.


I think its a bad sign if you think you can diagnose someone else via what they say on an internet spaceship forum.

I would say you shouldn’t take part in a discussion when you are affraid of having your faith questioned. But then again, you and me do have a large gap when it comes down to what we think a discussion is.

And yes, this is not a discussion. That’s deliberate.