Running for CSM next year:

Well, let’s not go there. Anyone with a bit of brain will know that one shouldn’t diagnose oneself especially when it comes to one’s mental state. He will know it, too, and probably just post this nonsense as a provocation.

My experience with him is that he is an ignorant and a hypocrite, who mostly seeks dominance and never acts friendly.


If you think I’m ignorant, stupid, hypocritical, unfriendly, seek dominance or am mentally impaired, thats your prerogative.

But all of those are false.

This libelous crap is just making you look bad, not me.

Its also clearly trolling, inappropriate and deliberate vandalism of this thread, my person and my campaign for CSM.


Sure, let’s all desist so you can run for CSM.

Watch out, here comes Salvos.

To be fair, we cannot stop him from running for CSM. That decision is solely on CCP and Salvos himself.

We can raise valid issues with it though.

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What valid issues are those?

I haven’t seen even one yet.

Just mud-slinging, libel, opinions and lies.

PS: If you and others continue trolling at this rate, this thread will have ATLEAST ~32,000 posts and ~62,000 views by the time elections come around.

He’ll be like Xenuria 2.0.

It’s a shame your enjoyment comes at the annoyance of everyone else.

I’m sure that’s debatable.

His position is that the CSM needs to be disbanded because 64% of 141 respondent’s claim that the CSM has no use at all. In the world of Salvos that 64% equates to a majority of the EvE player base.

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Citation needed.

It is not debatable. It is fact.
I am mentally and physically healthy.

What are you afraid of then?

You should get a second opinion on this and ask another expert other than yourself.


I am medically cleared to operate as a registered nurse in training.
That more than qualifies me for running as CSM, not that it would be an impediment if I was not.

This “mental health” ■■■■■■■■ is the lowest of the low trolling, libel and character assassination.

Its amazing how low you and others will sink to try and defame my candidacy.
Its also concerning moderation has not stepped on that.

We don’t. We’re just having a laugh. You obviously think CCP would give the CSM the ability to disband itself. That’s just absurd and a bit crazy, too. I’m not even sure if they will let you run for CSM with that point on your agenda. They might simply decide not having you is a better idea.

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There are no smokers on the current CSM, so this would be wrong.


Its clear you have.

This is no laughing matter, nor is the trolling and libel.
Remember, that I will be running with my own personal identity, which you are accusing falsely.

Its happened before, and is valid as a platform, as CSM is interlinked to EVE, populated by EVE players and elected by EVE players.

This thread was moved here by CCP Senior Community staff, whom will have implicitly read the OP before choosing that action.

Thats not up to you.

Your BMI is not healthy, bro.

But I won’t die of lung cancer while giving it to everyone around me, bro.

So I got that going for me, which is nice.


Stolen, for my campaign (if/when it ever happens)
“Elect me and I shall be the Supreme Dictator of the CSM!”

Locking in my Allaince votes right there with that one :smiley:


Nothing, but the fact that you would even ask this question negates a lot of the claims you’ve made in this thread.


You better hope it’s not.

@Salvos_Rhoska: Remember how you responded when a CSM member asked if you’d taken your medication? Talking about stooping low…!


You keep saying this as though it validates your platform. The fact is that you posted it in the wrong place. Valid or not, it was going to be moved. If it were deemed to be spam, it would have been moved and locked. All he did was move it. He didn’t endorse it. It’s not his decision.

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