Running for CSM next year:


I ran 2.9km/12mins in my last Cooper Test during my last military induction in Jan of this year.

You dont take meds, and I dont take meds.

Another CSM insinuated I hadnt taken mine, and others here baselessly question my mental and physical health.

You yourself questioned my health for smoking.


It’s indeed a fact that your sanity is debatable.

Beeing affraid and pointing out someone’s lousy logic are two different things.

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I pointed out that your claim to being healthier than the rest of the CSM was likely wrong because of your habit.

I personally don’t care whether you’re healthy, and i think it’s completely absurd that this discussion is even taking place.

Hell, I find this entire thread absurd.


Well, there is certainly the shame to be afraid of that his campaign entails. The campaign isn’t aimed at the players, but at CCP, by wanting to disband the CSM, which CCP created. He only wants to use players to go against CCP.

So I would definitely be afraid of the shame in trying to ruin something CCP created for me.

From what Ive seen of sitting CSM, yes I am likely healthier, despite of my smoking.
How far can you run in 12mins/Cooper Test?

I agree.

Take that up, as CSM, with those questioning, baselessly, libelously and falsely, my mental health.

Its a CSM campaign thread.
Be very careful what you say now.

What I find most absurd is that the people who Salvos is wanting to vote for him, are the sort who tend to not vote on the basis their votes mean nothing. It’s a practically impossible platform for a would-be politician.


I was told CSM wasnt political.

Let me worry about getting votes.

I’d say 5 miles or so.

It’s not libel. They are sharing an opinion.


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That’s only factoring physical health. I’m sure many will agree his obsession with forum stats is rather … compulsive.


It’s the essence of every failed student council election I’ve ever seen.


And why is that?
Are you body-shaming the current CSM members?


Nobody EVER has run 5miles in 12mins.

Be real. You cant make it up a flight of stairs without panting like a dog.
Clinically you are atleast 20kg overweight.

Making baseless accusations of mental health issues without proof, is legally libel.

Then get out of my CSM campaign thread, unless you want me to seriously start digging up dirt on you to reciprocate.

Threatening behaviour…? I’m sure that’s in violation of CCP’s harassment policies and a bannable offence…!

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And baselessly repeating false accusations of a CSM candidates mental health is not?

What is he even doing in my campaign thread?

If you want to sling around mud, sure, lets do it then.

It’s not baseless when the candidate seeks the destruction of the very platform he wants to use for his goal.

did you just threaten do dox him? wow, thats low even for you.

Should Salvos be banned from the forums and barred from ever running for CSM on the grounds that he threatened to dox a CSM member for not agreeing with him. everyone make sure you vote in this super official and comprehensive poll.

  • Yes
  • No
  • Drink more
0 voters

This is only part of the non-voting public. Some players don’t know what the CSM is or that it even exists. Some players never visit the forum and won’t know anything about the candidates. Some, like myself, are aware that it exists and what it does, but have simply not taken the time to get involved with it. Some players, due to RL, have very little time to do anything, let alone vote.

We have a CSM candidate here body shaming a current seated CSM member

I’m officially speechless right now


don’t forget he’s also threatened to dox a current csm member.


Whom he is is not a secret.
Its a matter of public record.