Running for CSM next year:

I would prefer lobbing some missiles in your direction. Unfortunately, it appears you hardly log into the EvE client and only engage in forum PvP.

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The word is leeway. Levity is something completely different. You’re completely lacking in levity but often on the receiving end of it.


“digging up dirt” on someone “to reciprocate” is the very definition of doxing.


See above.

It appears to me CCP will have to drastically lower those CSM standards before you will be able to adhere to them…!

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ITT: Trolls and establishment shills concerned I might actually make it to CSM on this platform.

Trolling it balls to the wall to try and nip it in the bud.

Even if you did, you’d get nowhere. The CSM does not vote on anything CCP does. You cannot force anything to change. You can be the only dissenting voice on the CSM and it won’t matter. So, you then have no choice but to disband the CSM. How are you going to do that if you can’t get anything else done?

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You’re the first legitimate cretin I see on the forums body-shaming an EVE public figure.
That’s against the TOS :smiley:
RIP Salvos4CSM, such a short-lived attempt

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This thread should be shown to anyone trying to get into the CSM, just to show them what not to do :joy:

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You misunderstand.

Its not up to me or CSM.

Its up to players and CCP.

I will represent those players that want the CSM changed or disbanded, to CCP.

Except that those who would represent you are a small fraction of the player base. CCP already knows that some don’t want the CSM. But, CCP does. It was their idea and nothing will change that. You can represent the idea all you want, but it won’t change a thing.

Will you also threaten to dig up dirt on CCP staff if they decide they don’t want to disband the CSM…?

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I dont agree.

If I am elected, I represent sufficient part of the playerbase, as does any other elected CSM.

My view is that there are far more players that disagree with the CSM program, than are represented or even remotely detected to that end.

In my view, that playerbase is not “a small fraction”, it may very well be the overwhelming majority, but one without representation on CSM.

If you come at me at a personal level, dont be surprised if I do the same in return.

Says the person who went personal the very moment a CSM member made even a single post in this thread.


You could get elected by a majority, sure. It still won’t allow you to disband the CSM or change the election process. That’s the things you need to worry about. And based on those goals and without anything related to current gameplay and mechanics is it doubtful that you would even be allowed to run as a candidate.

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Let me worry about that.

I have ideas whereby to demonstrate to CCP and the playerbase that CSM program change, and if necessary, disbandment, are justified.

Its almost 6months to elections. I will fill out my platform also towards non-CSM program extant issues as relate/relevant to development of EVE.

Thats not up to you, trolls here or CSM.

Actually, since we’re the ones who will be doing the voting, I’d say it’s entirely up to us.

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Approval of my candidacy in the actual process is up to CCP.

Who you will vote for, has nothing to do with that.
Not now, and not then.

We’re entirely allowed to raise any concerns we have with your suitability as a candidate with them though, so we do actually have a say in the matter