Running for CSM next year:

You can have your say, if you think they will listen, but the decision is CCPs alone.

I would respond to this with:

No, it isnā€™t.

If you want to take the risk of being permabanned for doxing, then by all means, ā€œseriously start digging up dirt.ā€

And, again, you donā€™t control who posts in a public forum.


Show us you running 5miles in 12 minutes per Cooper Test as per your claim, which no human has ever achieved,

Or did you lie about that?

And yes, accusing another person of a mental disorder without any proof, is libel.

For it to be libel it would have to be damaging to your reputation, which to be blunt is shite.

It is harmful to my reputation, both here and IR, and especially to my CSM campaign.

Whom I am is no secret.
My name is Sebastian Schubakoff.

Im am a registered nurse in training and false accusations as to my mental health are harmful to my profession.

Show me your law degree and law license, and Iā€™ll show you me running 5 miles in 12 minutes.


I did not finish my law degree.

Now show me how you fail to finish 5miles in 12mins.
Nobody has ever run 5 miles in 12 minutes.

I did not not finish my law degree means, in plain English, that you finished your law degree.

Iā€™ll be back in 12 minutes.


If anything it enhances your reputation here, because it provides a plausible reason for your actions.

and IRL.

How many of your IRL peers read the forums?



Be sure to submit your 5 miles in 12 mins to Guinness World Records.

  1. Having followed this thread from the start, Iā€™d say the only thing harmfull to your reputation is @Salvos_Rhoska himself.
  2. If you had told us you were a registered patient in training I would have believed you.

I donā€™t think you know what it means to worry. Iā€™ve never seen you worry or having doubts of any kind.

Explain this.

You wrote:

Thatā€™s a double negative.


It was a typo, which I corrected within a minute of posting it.

I know guys like you Brisc.
I see right through you.
I know how you operate.

I donā€™t need to, your posting history is not exactly that of what most consider to be that of a person without some kind of issues.


Please enlighten us.


Thats your opinion.

It in no way addresses my platform or campaign for CSM.

Vote for me. or dont, but stop trolling my thread.

How is that?


Its exactly what it says.