Running for CSM next year:

This is the single greatest thread of the new forums.
Or maybe ever.

Run under the name Joe Phoenix III and change your avatar to a talking pie and win my vote forever.

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Iā€™m back from my run.

Not only did I hit 5 miles, I also had time to stop at Starbucks on the way back.


You didnt run 5 miles in 12 mins.

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I guess I should have been more clear. Iā€™ve got to remember to write my questions like Iā€™m talking to a computer.

How do you think I operate?

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Yes, I did.


Like a self-interested political shill.

Which is funny, considering that one of your complaints about me is that I spent actual money on my campaign. Thatā€™s generally the opposite of self-interest.

Who am I shilling on behalf of?


Indeed it is, apparently one that is shared by others.

It in no way addresses my platform or campaign for CSM.

What platform? So far youā€™ve failed to produce a coherent basis for your potential candidacy; or evidence of any support for your campaign.

Vote for me. or dont, but stop trolling my thread.

No, yes, not trolling. Forums are an area for open discussion, you donā€™t get to control who posts, or the content of their posts; that is the CCPā€™s prerogative, not yours.

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You think so. Wait until he starts his actual CSM campaign in a few months. Thatā€™s going to be hilarious,

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This post was 11mins ago per timestamp.

So there is no way you ran for 12mins between then and your most recent response.

I actually cant wait. Hell I would be a party donor if the party wasnt against it.

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Of course there is. I was on my cell phone while I was running.


11 mins is not 12 mins.


Youā€™re absolutely correct.

I ran 5 miles in 11 minutes, not 12.


@Salvos_Rhoska, this is levity.

@Brisc_Rubal, what did your mother say about playing with your food?


It was a lie.

She told me I shouldnā€™t give it a name or else Iā€™d feel bad after dinner.

I hope you guys are enjoying this as much as I am.


This is libel.


You have no ideaā€¦ :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Its a fact.

Post was at 11 mins, not 12.