Running for CSM next year:

It is levity, it’s poking fun at you for bringing up physical fitness in a world that is characterised as being full of neckbeards, nerds, geeks and other demographics that are generally parodied as being unfit.


Id vote for you if my heart wasnt telling me otherwise :smile:

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This is also libel.

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I didnt bring up health as a requirement for CSM candidacy.
Others did, specific to mental health, as false accusations on mine.

I have it on very good authority that my behavior in this thread is going to cost me votes in the next election.

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Really, all of this hilarious and very telling.

Trolls/shills and even seated CSM here are so afraid of my candidacy, that they would risk their accounts status to try and stop it.

Wait till my constituents see this.
It will just prove their views on CSMs problems, true.

And show me as the candidate to address that for them.


You brought up physical health.

Others did, specific to mental health.

It’s a big issue these days, and there’s no shame in admitting it if you suffer.

I do suffer from mental health issues, the best thing I ever did was to admit it to myself and seek help.

Which reminds me, I need to collect my prescription.


@Jonah_Gravenstein: He doesn’t even understand the meaning of the word “troll”. How do you expect him to wrap his head around terms like “levity” and “libel”?

We have seen no evidence that you are laughing.


No one brought it up as a requirement. However…

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Nobody has roundhouse kicked another player in the face yet.


Didn’t you get the memo? You’re not allowed to use words Salvos doesn’t know in a Salvos Ego Thread.

Hey, remember one of those times Salvos hijacked a thread and just started listing psychological disorders in response to whoever disagreed with him (everyone)? Also, remember that time where salvos was absolutely losing his ■■■■ in a thread, and after he got completely humbled admitted mental health issues and stopped posting for like a month?

Salvos, you’ve been around long enough and acting like a complete tool for long enough that you can’t hide your history.

edit: not that having mental health issues is necessarily a judgment. Everyone has challenges. But being a complete unrepentant tool is a judgement. And has gotten sitting CSM members kicked. (Also, Salvos isn’t a candidate yet. He hasn’t been approved as a candidate. He’s just some whining tool at this point.)


The jury is still out on that one.

I thought this was it tho?

I should run for CSM just to keep people like salvos from running as CSM :brain::brain:

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Apparently not. This is just an announcement that he will put up his candidacy and that he’s gathering support. He’s doing well isn’t he…?

You forget that one time he went all sexist on @Faylee_Freir in the wardec discord

That was pretty bad

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You are just reinforcing my platform, and justifying it further as to the extent of problems in CSM and its election process.


I take long breaks from EVE… I don’t think I heard about that one. Kinda does reinforce the point that, no, he shouldn’t be approved as a candidate. CSM members aren’t just representing players to CCP, they are representing CCP to the world. It would be an incredibly stupid business idea to let him come within 100 miles of CCP HQ.