Running for CSM next year:

Two more questions for our erstwhile first CSM candidate for CSM XIV.

First, how many times have you been banned from the forums?

Second, what do you think should happen to those who insinuate that someone on the forums has a mental disability?


I hope Faylee ripped him a new orifice while everybody else held him down, figuratively speaking.

He got banned before that could happen :wink:
We don’t stop down to his level

First you accuse us of undermining your platform and now you’re telling us we’re reinforcing it. Can you please make up your mind?


Discussing bans is not allowed.

Posts removed and a warning issued.

Its a retractable platform.

You know, like in Sonic the Hedgehog


Given your posting history, this is feckin’ hilarious,



clarified that for you.


Quoted for posterity.

Actually it does. You’re not yet a candidate. The point of this thread is to assess your fitness for a candidacy. It matters very much how you respond and how you interact with others as well how you reason your points.

At this point is there is no doubt that you’re going to fail. I don’t even believe CCP will actually take you as a candidate. They’ve stated several times before what the purpose of the CSM is. You’re not going to change that nor will you change it by becoming a CSM member nor will CCP let you become a candidate.

lol, this should totally spawn a new feature request thread… under someone’s profile it should list number of times they’ve been forum-banned/muted. @Brisc_Rubal make it happen!


And just because @CCP_Falcon moved this, or given you advice that to make change is to run, does not mean he endorses your position.

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TBH that figurative response would be an appropriate one to be directed at someone being sexist towards one of the minority female players of Eve.


He’s referencing the fact that you’ve used that exact language before to other players.


Thats not up to you or anyone else trolling this thread.

This is actually a good idea. I’ll bring that up to the community team.

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You posted 557 times only on these forums.
An increasing proportion of which is in this thread, alone.

As a CSM, you havent posted here much.
Maybe the reddit formt suits you better, or you just dont care what is said here on these boards?

That’s not the point, Salvos. I can guess the response by CCP Guard and CCP Falcon. CCP Guard will mkae a funny response, face-palming or just taking a deep-breath for having to deal with you. CCP Falcon won’t even give you the satisfaction of a funny response, or a response at all.

The point rather is that you don’t know what you’re actually doing here.

That’s correct. Prior to my run for CSM I had restricted most of my posting to Reddit, because I didn’t find these forums to be useful. Since then, I’ve only posted when I’ve had something to discuss with the community, and have largely confined my posting to the CSM forums.