corpses. don’t you have corpses? they have needs too! ya thinking chloe’s the only one just coz she’s famous? kevin’s nagging me every single day about getting some clothes and a hat. shania wants to go out more. phillip says he can’t find a gay corpse mate and wants to know why, he thinks it’s his fault. robert stopped talking until i give him shoes. delila needs something against her whooping cough. eileen thinks she constantly has to come on. jovi is stuck in the past always talking about some summer. billy lives in constant fear about someone starting a fire. ace keeps talking about a place called new york and wanting his groove back. m-inem (he thinks that’s a cool name) doesn’t ever stop ranting about spaghetti. i could go on and on and on.
they’ve almost revolted when i shoved them all into the same station, then i had to start spreading them out across the cluster. ya know how much work that was? when yer in highsec and see tons of people in local and no one talking, who do ya think that is? that’s all them. they only speak to me. they’re everywhere and i’m running into serious trouble coz it’s getting unmaintainable. at some point they’ll gonna break out of their rooms causing chaos and i ain’t willing to take responsibility just coz the government doesn’t care about the majority of the population!
yeah lady, corpses are the vast majority of people around and the empires keep pretending they don’t exist. the conspiracy goes so deep, they ain’t even visible on the overview by default. ya could be starting there, maybe, as a token of appreciation.
To the right we have a coalition of both the good and the bad, many of whom are sworn enemies, united in the fight against the poster known as Salvos.
To the left we have Salvos, who sits alone; technically 4 of Ima’s alts are also sat with him, but that’s only because she wants to see how long it takes for CCP to kick him from the CSM.
Many of the bullet points in your platform post are superfluous. It’s not mandatory but it is however preferred that CSM members have basic competency of the English language. If you were to be elected to the CSM would you accept language/translation accommodations from CCP?
You say many times in the same post that you plan to disband the CSM but you also say that you want to change the CSM and disband it only if “necessary”. Can you clarify with any consistency what you actually intend for the CSM?
You also say that voters are “entitled” to things resting on the pretense that said voters are in the “MAJORITY”. That would mean that Goonswarm is “Entitled” to have a “MAJORITY” on the CSM because they make up the “MAJORITY” of the “democratic action”. The Imperium is in you words entitled to the position they have on the CSM because they actually turned out to vote. In this instance I agree with you. However you contradict yourself when you say “- I will advocate against the current system which enables ingame political entities to gain multiple seats on the CSM.”.
I could go on ad-nausium but the general point I am trying to make is that you have defeated yourself before anybody could even read your thread. You attacked your own platform. You debunked your own arguments and theories. Finally when people actually started to spar with you, it only got worse. Your credibility as a CSM candidate is flat-lining. The only thing that could possibly make it worse is if you blindly attacked me for trying to help you.
I suspect that your wasting your time trying to explain to him why his platform is untenable and his responses to disagreement, while amusing, sadly lacking in substance.
All evidence points to that Salvos being wrong about anything is inconceivable, to Salvos.
Indeed, I’m fairly sure you already suspected as much anyway.
As a former member of the CSM, what are your thoughts on his attacks on the character of sitting CSM members with reference to their integrity and honesty?
Given that those attacks were based on CSM members covering some of the expenses of office out of their own pocket or taking donations for hosting on a Eve related OOG tool.
Aryth paid for all my food and uber rides when I was on CSM. I am a wage slave living in NJ, maybe I am not the best person to ask about money and finances.
If elected the single most important thing on my agenda is CSM reform. Not everybody can agree on my knowledge of EvE but few people would disagree with my goal to reform the way in which the CSM functions. I am officially announcing my campaign for CSM 10.
The core goal of my entire CSM campaign is to restore faith in both the CSM and it’s process. The entire process has been hijacked by cronyism where only the social elite and their allies may hold any sway. I am not a popular person and I am not well liked, however it cannot be ignored that the problem I describe is real.
Salvos’s platform is just a more poorly-worded and rambling version of your original platform. He’s wrapping himself in the very same flag. I’m not going to defend or side with Salvos here, but it is not internally inconsistent to want to effect change of how the council is formed or operates by appealing to the broader democratic will. It’s what you did years ago, and basically what Falcon told Salvos to do that started this thread in the first place. Shame on you for trying to silence Salvos’ appeal to democracy!
But more seriously, Salvos’ campaign is not going to work, and I am not even sure it is necessary given how well the last few CSMs have done to rehabilitate their image since the time when you wrote those words above. However, the sentiment that the composition of the CSM is dictated “by cronyism where only the social elite and their allies may hold any sway” is still out there. And objectively, it is still pretty accurate looking who gets on the council. It’s just that the social elite have learned to do a better job relating to the plebs than back in the day.
I get how obnoxious Salvos can be at times and how hard it is to resist rebutting something inane or obtuse that he has said, but I really don’t see why so many of the “social elites” feel it necessary to come and piss all over this pseudo-campaign thread. It only feeds the appearance that the CSM is run by the ‘in-crowd’ or “cool kids” who are ganging up on the outsider who wants to reform things. Just let this thread die.
Did you read the entire thread? Steve came in at post 96, Brisc at 106. Both were respectful. Salvos repaid that respect with interrogation. He accused Brisc of being corrupt because his campaign site was donated by his corpmates, but then accused him of being corrupt for using his own money. Steve was interrogated regarding the amount of time he’s been on the CSM and how much money CCP has spent on his accommodations.
Sure, people have had their fun with him, especially with the heavy dose of irony regarding his passport, but it’s nowhere near the crap that has come from the tips of his fingers and the occasional video.
Come now. I liked your campaign, voted for you, and strongly approve of how you are performing as CSM. I also see no universe in which I would vote for Salvos over you next year if he actually runs and you choose to again. But that doesn’t mean you are not a member of the largest group in the game who was placed prominently on their bloc ballot. It isn’t “nuts” that some might view you as Xenuria puts it, an ally of the “social elite”.
If there is any fault still lingering CSM is the strain of elitism that is still sometimes displayed by the “social elite” and their allies that make up most of it. And fair enough - the vast majority of those whining about the CSM have no business being anywhere near it. But as we have seen, broader representation might actually be a good thing and prevent some of the recent communication stumbles. It’s honestly hard to judge that as an outsider, but it does seem to me that an overly homogeneous council may not be ideal. That said, I see no way of engineering that short of expanding the council which has its own drawbacks.
So, no answers here. Just a reminder there is still a current of anti-CSM sentiment out there best not completely forgotten. The game is better off if as many players as possible buy into the CSM and your legitimacy. To your personal credit, you have made clear efforts to engage with those frozen out of the council and I encourage you and your colleagues to continue to do so.