Running for CSM next year:

This is the thing, though. There are something like 40,000 players in the Imperium. I’m just one of them. There were multiple other Imperium members who ran and didn’t win. I ended up 5th on the Imperium ballot, but that wasn’t because I was some kind of a celebrity - my commercial is what got me where I was.

Nobody knew who I was before I ran, and most people still don’t.

I think the problem is that there is no non-gameable, rational way of doing this that doesn’t involve massive amounts of resources from the Community team built around simply determining who is eligible to run for what seat. It just doesn’t make a lot of sense. This is, for good or for bad, the best system they can put together and it has been working as it was intended to get good folks on the CSM. I think our group this time was very well balanced full of players who care about the game and bring a lot of knowledge to the table. I know some folks don’t like the political make up, but elections are about who votes and who runs.

Regardless, most of the stuff that Salvos and others have brought up as things they want to reform isn’t really the stuff that could use some reform.

Which players donated your website?

A restriction of one seated CSM per Corp/Alliance can be instated.

That’s just your opinion.

What “stuff” in your opinion could use reform regarding CSM?

Here we go again…

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Groundhog Day, the thread.

Here are all the passports I have had.
First issued 1985, last valid till 2021.

Ive been covered for that entire period, without interruption.

May as well be someone else’s passports. I for one will suspend my votes until this is clear and we get at clear “yes”.


Are you soliciting I photograph the interior of my passports?

format still invalid, response rejected. please resubmit your reply in the required yes or no format.


I do have a passport.
Infact I have four, albeit only one is currently valid.

so close, so very close. you are missing the one key word that we have been asking you for for the past day.


Read the question above.
The answer is in correct format.

It is not…

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It is to that question.

Answer the following:

Do you, or do you not have an EVE account?

you repeatedly cherry pick the quote. the reuired format is in the form of a yes or no answer. this has been pointed out to you multiple times.


The preamble is not the question.

I am not Salvos.


I obviously do not.

*I don’t even know how I’m posting here without an EVE account. I must be some next-level hacker


the preamble is the formatting requirements.

yeah replied to the wrong post.

False. The preamble is also separated by a colon from the actual query, which I answered as it was formatted.