Running for CSM next year:

Correct format for a yes/no query would be:

“Do you have a passport, yes or no?”

This isnt used though, instead it would be framed:

“You have a passport. Is that correct?”, to which the answer would be yes or no.

the context was perfectly clear and obvious to everyone in this thread except for you. and it has been repeatedly explained to you, and yet, you continue to refuse to respond in the required format. if you are this obtuse over a simple yes or no question, then how can you expect your voters to believe you would be capable of understanding or communicating properly as a member of CSM?


It was not a yes or no question.

It was a “have” or “have not” question.

See above for elaboration.

The three guys who worked on the website together were Erroch, PhoenixBones and Ceema.

And that will be immediately gamed by people setting up alt corps/alliances specifically for that player to ensure they abide by this rule.

Obviously, it’s my opinion.

In terms of reform, I’d like to see greater transparency in certain areas - for example, the fact that I can ask CCP folks direct questions but I am not permitted to share those responses is frustrating. I have actually stopped myself from asking some questions knowing I could get the answer but also knowing that I couldn’t release the answer and not knowing was preferable.

I would also like to see CCP commit to giving the CSM a bit more power in terms of development decisions. Say, they commit to allocating resources to do one thing or fix one thing minimum per term of office that was chosen as a priority by the CSM. That would at least take away the claims that the CSM does nothing, because there would be at least one accomplishment the CSM agreed they wanted done that they would get full credit for.

All of the rest of the stuff - term limits (anti-Democratic and taking away a choice voters want), no more in-person summits (in person is always preferable to video conferencing), no free accounts (ensuring the folks who play the game are playing the game by taking away the need to pay/crab to play) - these are the types of things that may sound good to folks looking for an excuse to complain, but are ultimately meaningless.


and it has been repeatedly clarified since then, by myself Brisc and others what the format needs to be. and yet, you refuse to adapt to the new information. again, not a strong point for someone who is supposed to be representing the player base.

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That means there was a five year gap from when you were born until you got your first passport. Thus, your claim that you have “always” had a passport was a lie.

And you still haven’t answered my question - yes or no: do you or do you not have a passport.


That’s fine.
All subsequent CSM business will nonetheless have to be run on that character, and it will be unable to join another Corp/Alliance that currently has a seated CSM with its tags.

Please explain.

I do not agree.

I again, do not agree.

Yes we can’t!

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Quite obvious. He signed a NDA. Means he could get an answer about something, but cannot tell us because it falls under the NDA. Instead of knowing the information, and not be able to share it… He’d rather not know the information.


Incorrect format.
Rephrase it if you want a yes/no answer.


“You have a passport, is that correct?” and that will provide a yes/no answer.

Which is again meaningless. It’s simply a paperwork regulation that will be ignored in practice.

When somebody asks me “hey, can you find out why X happened” - I can go and ask the Devs, and they will likely tell me. But I’m not permitted under the NDA to go back to the person who originally asked me and tell them the response. Which is frustrating - I want to be able get answers to questions for constituents, and I can’t do that because of the NDA. So it’s easier to just not ask.

And I understand you don’t agree with the rest - and you’re wrong. But that’s your prerogative.

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The format is correct, but I have no problems changing the word order:

Do you or do you not have a passport, yes or no?


You would say either

that is correct


that is not correct

Stop trying


Grammatically, that question makes no sense whatsoever :joy:

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This thing has went far beyond what I assumed it would have. Salvos is clearly either very intelligent, or just crazy. looking at his pics, he’s quite smug. But there is no way you would be a competent CSM.

Sure, but that’s the question we want the answer to.


I disagree.

It is not meaningless and means that CSM will be not officially or practically associated with a Corp/Alliance with another seated CSM, and thereby all transfers benefits to that character as CSM will be traceable.

Also means Corp/Alliances will only be able to field one candidate to move to a seat, per year. If there are more than 1 candidate with that Corp/Alliance tag, only the one that gets the most votes will get a single seat on CSM.

You are not understanding/thinking through the repercussions.
Take some time and ruminate on it.

Is it correct that you have NOT asked questions of CCP, simply because you felt you’d rather not know the answer because you could not tell players, as that would violate NDA?

Did you fail to ask CCP questions, because you could not tell players the answer?

Are you saying NDA should be removed or mitigated?

I dont agree with them, because they are not what I support.

I’m sure there’s some things he’s asked that he’s pondered about. Just like If you asked him about something, He could ask the devs, but he couldn’t turn around and tell you what the devs said… Which any sane person wouldn’t ask the devs anything concerning you.

That again is false.

I already told you how:

“Do you have a passport, yes or no?”

Try that and receive the answer you have so desired for you and others to spam dozens of posts on it.

I clearly didn’t say or imply that. I just said we have no clear yes as of now.