Russian Federation Loses Connection To Eve Online

Can we lock this thread already? It serves less than zero purpose… :wastebasket:

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idk the discussion is about as general as it gets

Jump clone.

Just make sure the new station is accessible. :wink:

–Gadget Clone #42876

Yeah keep believing that.


Move out of Russia, you will thank me later.

Damn here’s me trying to move in, want some of that free land Putin is giving away in the East.

Heh, guess you haven’t been in the game for a while, CCP has all kinds of Bots running around clearing out Asteroid Belts in system after system.

The language and community would be the big issues, especially for the children at their age. And anywhere with a Russian community would be in a large city with attendant costs.

As for separation from extended family, my perspective is probably different due to how dispersed my extended family is.

For those who don’t remember The Cold War, this is but the tiniest little taste.


Maybe move it to Out Of Pod Experience since it is more about out of game issues affecting in-game activities.

Yup I agree its definitely an out of pod experience for the Russian Federation.


al you people rampaging on about Russian and Chinese botters, everyone bots. Tibia beat the botting problem with a program that detects 3rd party programs working on the client. hundreds of thousands of accounts were instabanned when it came out and the same thing can be applied here. there will be more empty space than ever before when it gets turned on.

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I have Deleted a few Political Responses and moved this over to Out of Pod Experience as the topic was drawn away from OP’s Post.

Iron Curtain 2.0

Probably not as the connections that the Russian Federation were using was most likely un-monitored networks that could have allowed influences into Russia that Russia did not like.

Or perhaps the connections were in fact part of a botter network that was close to being discovered.

I really think that C C P doesn’t like us talking about licking the pole of ticks.

What is the situation now? Are Russians still blocked from chat channels?

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