Safety Ice Mining Corp -no permit required!

The new @Iceacid_Frostpacker picture worries me

and I look forward to @Sargon_Of_Amerish manning up , that should be fun.

And he gave you @Zaera_Keena a taste of your own medicine with that last picture.

What’s happening to Iceacid is he sniffing rock vapor again


Looks like a puppy to me.

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Figured that out all on your own Sherlock?

No ■■■■.

Princess @Aiko_Danuja has better things to do than talk to you about small pleb things.

That’s why I act as a proxy. If you want your appeal, send me 1 bil isk and I’ll get the admission paperwork started, the back ground check, and appointment made for her to hear you out. In her throne room.

Otherwise you can continue to dig in all the horse poop with the other pleblings and take it in turn to run your anarcho-syndiclism commune.

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:face_with_hand_over_mouth: :blush: :snowflake:

Don’t be so harsh, at least one can laugh at the hilariousness of Iceacid’s forum roleplay posts which are meant to entertain, in opposition with the other guy you mentioned who’s just a sad individual posting worthless spam meant to be serious yet are completely nonsensical and which have zero comedic value.


I could take it down if you like, I really wouldn’t scare anyone. After all I”m just a miner and truth be known they can’t scare anyone!


the household of a nobleman or a monarch employed to entertain guests during royal court.

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I like Iceacid, and I RP right back, in a blurred IC/OOC fashion. In much the same way as he does.

But I’ll take pot shots at the other guy because of exactly what you said. He wouldn’t know fun if it kidnapped him and tied him to a chair.


Are you a man or a mouse?

It’s already been established that he’s a puppy.

Do try and keep up.

No no I just don’t like change

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You mayn’t know or recall this, but the C&P sub-forum once had its own Court - ‘The Court of C&P’.

It existed to rule on complaints and disputes referred to it by known scallywags and miscreants, on matters arising between such persons, or others…depending.

I daresay the Court could be reconvened to investigate the matters you mention, but it would require the nomination of three respected and suitable persons of undoubted experience in EVE Online, each possessing the ability to present at least one cogent argument, in the English language, and properly formatted.

In any case, if you wish to submit your complaint, do please set it out plainly, in full, so that all may read it and decide whether it merits further deliberation.

I do, of course, recuse myself from any such investigation; my inability to entertain for a single moment the idea that Our Princess is capable of anything but wholesome beneficence - is well known.

There is a fee, payable in advance by the person bringing the complaint. Part of that fee is returned to the complainant if their plea is successful. If unsuccessful, the fee is retained by the Judges passed to the accused.


:reversecongaparrot: :reversecongaparrot: :reversecongaparrot: :reversecongaparrot: :reversecongaparrot: :congaparrot: :congaparrot: :congaparrot: :congaparrot: :congaparrot:


Hi there!

:aussiereversecongaparrot: :aussiereversecongaparrot: :aussiereversecongaparrot: :aussiereversecongaparrot: :aussiereversecongaparrot: :aussiecongaparrot: :aussiecongaparrot: :aussiecongaparrot: :aussiecongaparrot: :aussiecongaparrot:



What am I to do with you puppy

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It appears that you are not prepared.

What advice is there before doing this?

Do I feel the need to do this or had someone told me to do this?

I did not plan to do this so why am I am still doing this?

Do I really need to do this or could this be avoided?

Now if I did this how would this make me feel ?

/edited for my own sanity!

I’ll tell you for 1 bilion ISK



Frosty has difficulty with rules, needs discipline training.

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This is not about Frostpacker Ice wasn’t the one mining without a license and it’s all Akkos fault for not enforcing the rules.

Those rules were broken!

What rules you may ask?

Halaima Code of Conduct,

? :thinking: