Yup, basically you are stuck using a destroyer mostly if you want something smaller than the Noctis.
Sunesis kinda works, got high slots and drones… a semi-reasonable cargo and like all of the SoCT line high agility. But you get away enormously cheaper just decking out a standard T1 empire dessie anyways.
And a carrier can destroy a 30-rat site in a matter of minutes (6 min including warp ?).
That means you have ± 300 wrecks PER HOUR PER SUPER in a system.
ie one carrier is responsible for the constant addition of 600 wrecks in a system.
I felt similar back when I used to play in NS and used to mine, however that has flipepd 180 deg from that time. In fact now, I feel like salvaging is the way to go, expand it, a lot, make it give out far more and better resources and incorporate them into construction of various ships that do not use or do not use enough of it.
Why would you ask ? Very simple. Salvaging vs mining or PI is a far, far more active gameplay which is exactly and precisely what this game needs. Not less of it, we don’t need more piece of ■■■■ multiboxing AFKing, botting, hacking and all sorts of that crap. We need more and better actually active gameplay.
Any step that goes in that direction, no matter how small, is a correct step and an improvement over the current situation. In this instance T2 salvage drones, and / or more salvage ship options included.
I understand your view, but it would take a lot of balancing work in terms of salvage dropped, where it’s used etc etc. And are people really going to hunt salvagers carrying next to nothing of real value?. It seems like a lot of work to basically give people something relatively simple to do. I’d rather the time be spent on other more urgent things, like not ■■■■■■■ up ECM etc.
Why should they carry stuff of value ? Isn’t best PvP for PvP s sake ? If you want value hop into a carrier or nowadays even a titan and go do some ratting. Or even a dred. You can make enough ISK in a single full day of farming to get enough skill injectors + omega status + fully fitted cap and a toon for it. Quite literally. 2 days at most if your RNG sucks and you get crap for drops.
facepalm …
Your salvage drones will take more time to travel than the mtu would take to bring the wrecks.
And even better, if you use two mtus you won’t have this kind of issue. (5km apart)
anyhow I don’t see how this is even an argument.
I said that if you remove the auto aggro from salvage drones, then they become redundant (while weaker) with the salvage module, so you remove the ability to have afk salvager. Considering at best a flight of salvage drone is effective as 1.5 salvager and a ship can have 8 salvager, a modification of the salvage drone base access is completely worthless and a dedicated salvage ship would anyhow be better than salvager.
As I said above, the only case where salvage drones are good is when you have spare drones and that can salvage while you shoot ; but if you need to wait for them to finish the salvaging then you are killing your incoming.
Just drop & BM your mtu, and come back later in a catalist to salvage, then in an indus to loot the mtus and the loot.
Th only drone which will need to return is the one which succeeded its salvaging cycle. Others will be ready to work on another wreck. If these wrecks are grouped closely and at range from other groups (like it happens sometimes) which will be pretty faster than waiting for MTU to drag wrecks one by one.
And yes, it is possible to do while shooting.
I used salvaging drones when i played with my Kronos. 2 tractors in highs, drones are unbonused so no use for combat. Salvaging drones fit nicely.
please go to the end of your argument. Finish your sentence. So, what ?
Your ship can also be killed by other players.
Your salvage drone will be shot by rats.
citadels can be shot by other players.
When you say something , please be sure it makes some sense.
This only happens when you are in close range of the rats.
BTW your salvage drones have a range that is lower than your MTU, so they can e used less often than the MTU.
When I shoot thing 150 km away with a raven, my salvage drones are useless. My MTU is also unless I dropped it before MJD away - which is the case if I use my brain (hint : I don’t always use my brain. When I do, I actually tend to not care about salvaging).
And again : How is this an argument ?
I did not say that salvage drones are useless now. I said that removing the auto aggro of drones would make them useless.
Nope. Give it a shot. I actually do exactly that because I like to salvage occasional T2 wrecks and often do so on ships that can carry some salvage drones and have a single salvager fit. The difference is speed vs access difficulty. In fact, I turn off the auto agro so my drones go only after the wrecks I want, not the ones that I don’t that are mixed in. try it and see for yourself, you’ll see what I’m talking about.