Salvos Rhoska: Biomass and Out

Denial is not a river in Africa Salvos

Forum bans are per character, not account/person. Otherwise, youā€™d be guilty of the same.

Receiving Warnings & Suspensions

Warnings and suspensions are delivered on per character rather than a per account basis, to allow for a little leniency and prevent pilots from being completely locked out of discussion on the forums.

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Then why are you here?

Waitā€¦ are yā€™all forum banned people posting on alt accounts?!

Broken Game = Proteus Onzo = Salvos Rhoska ā€¦


I tweeted this threadā€¦ #freesalvos :smile:


No personal attacks
Yeah nah
Letā€™s not scroll up :sweat_smile:

And as mentioned before, Iā€™m not Dom (as much as Iā€™d like to, heā€™s a great guy), Iā€™m related irl but thatā€™s more than you need to know :slight_smile:

Ok go on then. I kinda feel like the guy sitting in the cinema who didnā€™t get the storyline and keeps asking his friend ā€œwho is that?ā€ and ā€œwhat happened?ā€ untill other people start sushing and throwing bad popcorn my way.


well except for the next few days to respond to this topicā€¦


Donā€™t forget the alt heā€™s going to make after this gets locked and he gets banned again

Even holeysheet was a better learner

No one cares.

Just like the fact that your prolific bleah bleah ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā–  exists because you spam the same questions numerous times.

You forgot to answer the questionā€¦again.

Why does anything you say matter when your account is proof you have no skin in the game?

I stated above Iā€™m not Dom

Why do you insist?

You only ever fight the people on this forum.

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