Saving traffic and time for the manufacturer

Perhaps this will be done over time. Separate chat client. It would be great, because I do not always need a chat, distracting. Especially corporate chat, which cannot be disabled.

I am talking about a little information. No need to load the entire station and all menus. Only 8 digits for each last used pilot. Chats require a separate permanent connection. 8 digits are 8 bytes.

That’s my point.

More server load in the end. Much more.

Your idea opens the floodgates and increases server load. Therefore your idea is not what you claim it to be.

But I want more information. It’s not enough for 8 digits.

See? More server load. So not saving traffic or server load in the end.


What you want is a manager, that handles your farm.

something that produces visual reports like this one

(here almost all my toons are researching, and I only have 5+5+8+1+1+1 remaining slots for manufacturing)

or this one
(here one of my toons stopped skilling, because I forgot to buy the skilling queue. None is alpha, so the omega account is okay.
I also just realized I havea bug on the accelerated, since attribute 35 is accelerated)

Also a report that tells you when jobs are ready to be delivered, when PI needs to be refreshed, when market orders are cut, when POS runs out of fuel, etc.

Basically you want an external manager, that will be tailored to your need.


There’s a thing called the “two hand rule”. Put out both hands. Wish in one, crap in the other. Let me know which one fills up first.

The point being, you can whine about a feature you want, or use a tool which already exists, which will give you the info you want.

“Don’t let the perfect be the enemy of the good” - Vilifredo Pareto, probably

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Hey. And what is this program?

“an external manager, that will be tailored to your need.”

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Bollocks. The moment you log in you play. Checking stuff is also playing the game.

omg omg. The moment when i log, technikalli is moment when i see a pilot choosing window.

The moment I start playing is the moment the launcher starts.

If you don’t have the time or drive to make your rediculous amount of accounts work perhaps you shouldn’t have so many of them.

It’s not like there was a change overnight that made it more difficult all of a sudden. You could see and understand the issue when you had less accounts, yet you chose to get more. That’s your own choice and your own doing, choices -> consequences.

Deal with it or get a more healthy number of accounts.


“no that will take 6 months and a handful of devs for a 15 sec advantage”

unless ofcourse your that guy thats running 100 accounts that whined at eve vegas for that change we got as is.


This guy. He gets it.

I second this. When someone willingly puts up 35 alts to do something, then he has to deal with the amount of work he willingly put upon himself. Balancing game play for people using dozens of alts is nonsense. In fact, it would just make more people use dozens of alts, further undermining the point of playing a game with other people.

When you play using 35 capsuleers, then you have to treat them as 35 capsuleers. Not 35 of your alts, but 35 legitimate in-game entities. When you are overwhelmed with the amount of work it takes to have 35 capsuleers do something, then you shouldn’t be having 35 capsuleers doing something.

CCP can not and should not balance the game around single people who wish to use dozens of alts for gains, because it would leave behind all of those who do not wish to put such a nonsensical amount of effort into playing. When your greed demands that something needs to be changed, it’s not the world that needs to be changed. It’s you. It’s as easy and simple as that.


Not a joke. There are some undocumented features here and there… although they do only part of work - the harder part is making use of that :slight_smile:

To be fair my method doesn’t help at all with other aspects - like PI.

That program was most likely written by Anderson herself for her own purposes to fit her own needs and her own workflow… just like I have my own tooling created by me to fit my needs and my workflow…

That is precisely why I am working on tooling… 'cuz even more accounts will demand proper tooling to handle them properly.


I thought that was precisely what I answered ?!?

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You are trying to set the standard. There is no standard. In this game, it’s normal to use a lot of alts, for example, to mine ore. In fact, you are trying to think INSTEAD of the CCP. Only they decide what, when, and for which group of pilots to make. And they have their own reasons for which we are unfamiliar.

And I agree that if there is not enough time, then a lot of alts should not be used. This is just about how the game intertwines with real life.

As for the profit. Not entirely for profit. Rather, for the sake of scale projects. For the sake of opportunity. I’m just wondering - will a large scale improvement in drawings and production give some kind of result? And I do not see very big differences from one pair of pilots. SP farms barely pay for themselves. T1 production makes little profit. The drawings have also not yet paid off. It seems that a larger scale can only be profitable with planets, T2 and ships - large ships earn more and faster.

Then stop doing what is not worth.
Remember that you pay with your time.

You are a chemical machine that transforms nutriments into energy. You have a limited amount of lifetime, during which you need to produce offspring. Your most valuable resource is this lifetime.

You’re right. Concluding the discussion, I want to give you a song to all of you. Although this will be completely off topic. Say, a pause as a sign of peace and good relations. Even in another language it is beautiful. Have a good flight!

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