Secret Santa 2019

@Computer_just_crashed is first.

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Oh so i gotta get him a gift? I don’t have cash to buy a barghest.

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you dont have to buy exactly what he wants, but something serious meant

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no worries. i don´t need pitty-gifts. :wink:
i just wanted to shine light on the price of some of the demanded gifts.
as soon as i find a gift requested in my price-range, my time will come.

Seen this post while still at work and just wanted to say how it reminds me of just how good, and one of a kind the eve players are. Happy Xmas guys I Don’t want anything…


Still waiting for my present of last year lol

Week 4 is over and not a single present was sent lol, I might need to post that on reddit and discord again.

@The_Voice I am sorry that you did not get a gift last year, but to get one here you first need to send @Computer_just_crashed a gift before you can receive yours.

Due to the rather low activity atm I might think about extending it to 12th of January, but I am not quite sure atm.

Keep the gifts coming and merry Xmas

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Friend, you’re posting this in the wrong subforum. This is not the General Discussions you remember. It is quite infested with people who prefer one sided deals in their own favour. You really should recreate this idea where it actually belongs and where people actually care: The IGS.

It’s not a Barghest but the next best thing i could afford with a fun fitting :slight_smile:

I don’t know what I want… just surprise me I guess

edit: maybe something that goes stupidly fast :stuck_out_tongue:


I got you Mr Thunfisch. contract incoming…

One very nasty Vindicator!
Enjoy :hugs:

Gift received from Gustav Mannfred.
Thank You! :christmasparrot:


Thank you :slight_smile:



looking for a fitted Ikitursa


Final week is here, make sure you grab your gifts before it is over! It ends on Downtime on Sunday, January 5 2020

next @Gustav_Mannfred

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so the final gift has been sent and this event closes now, please dont send out gifts anymore.

Thank you all for participating!

Hope to see you all next year


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