Secret Santa 2019

Week 2 is over

9 gifts have been exchanged.

About the idea of minimum value: that would be nice, but it will exclude new players from participating. I am aware on ppl that try to give out low cost stuff and expecting ridiculous expensive stuff. Just a word on that: Dont be a dick!
Don’t expect a 5b ship when you gave a 5mil present. Also use some common sense and check what the person gave.

And a final word on abyssal mods: If your gift contains any mutaded modules, please add a screenshot of the mutations on any abyssal modules. This thread is not meant to be a place to dump bricked mods.

Next gift @Kmescic_Irogulasin

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I will be gifting @Kmescic_Irogulasin as soon as my connection stabilizes.


edit 2 received gift. contract still up for @Kmescic_Irogulasin
I would really like to try Abyssal pvp in an Ikitursa fit to win. I might need the book too :stuck_out_tongue:

Merry Christmas / Happy Holidays everybody !!![11|275x500]


Iki + a partial fit(mids and a repper, meh roll on the repper but it was an a-type to start) Sent to you CanwePleaseBeFckingProf essional

If my secret santa is the 1% of 1%ers I would love a virtuoso or Tiamat lol,

But for real I would like a rattlesnake and 10/10 fit

Edit :Shield booster recieved cheers o7


FYI: as of now, @Kmescic_Irogulasin has not yet confirmed receiving a gift.

I’ll delete my post once this issue is resolved.

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lets check :slight_smile:

Looking for some decently rolled abyssal x-large Shield boosters and medium armor reps


I got it


@Hannes_maros Merry Christmas!

So, I’m not too familiar with Abyssal stuff, but- I got you a:
-Medium Armor Repairer I
-X-Large Shield Booster I

Hopefully that does the job for you! :slight_smile:
…oh, and I threw in a couple Gila’s as well, because something…something…they run Abyssals (like i said, not familiar with the Abyssal content) Contract is up:

Dear Santa - Even though I’m Omega, I like to keep things simple- T1 Caldari missile ships will make me quite happy this christmas.

Update: PvP fit Drake was received! As of now, my contract has not yet been accepted - but I will leave it up.


I got you a good old pvp drake !

hope you will enjoy it

I would like a pvp ship, like a hac, to roam with my corp and kick some asses. Or a sin, to solo drop it, but I think its a bit too much :smiley:

edit : vagabond received ! thanks you !


@Sarg_Crowins HAC inbound mate
EDIT 2 received thank you

For Christmas I would like … I dunno…
Oh I would like a fit solo roaming pvp (not abyssal pvp) Ikitursa and books if possible
Actually I don’t care if its fit for abyssal pvp still sounds fun

Merry Christmas and great thread OP


got the gilas thx
next gift @Alissa_Tahl

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Gift is on the way to you :slight_smile:

I am looking for a fitted Barghest for PVP
Merry Xmas all


Is that a blaster on a Drek? (Have to see if I can use large blasters) I’ll login in a few hours when I get home

if i wasn´t so poor, i would partizipate in this Thing, but everything wished for is WAY out of my Price-league

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This whine fest has nothing to do with Santa or Christmas. The idea is to give because you want to. Not to try and game the system for a better return. You accept what you are given and thank the person who gave it to you. Not bitch because it wasn’t what you were demanding.

This was actually a good event for years until Alphas and micro management of the rules got involved. So ■■■■ this gift scam BS and ■■■■ Christmas in general.

Entitled dickwads end up ruining everything good that people try and do here.

What sort of gift would be in your price range? It’s possible that next year will have an option for a lower price tier.

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Week 3 over and 8 gifts were exchanged

It is also half time now. 3 Weeks tongo!

Keep gifts coming

Next is @Computer_just_crashed
btw that Drekavac you gifted looks very interesting :face_with_monocle:

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@Uriel_Destiny sent you a little gift in game. This thread did end up being a little high roller but that doesn’t mean you should miss out on Christmas.

You give from the heart and if anyone complains, war dec them and eat their lunch :stuck_out_tongue:

@Computer_just_crashed is still next wish for a PVP Barghest


i´m glad, when i can spare around 50/60 mill for a gift.
and i´m happily willing to give that, but i don´t dare to do so because i fear it would lead to a dissapointment on the receiving end

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thx very much
it is apreciated and will be put to good use

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@Uriel_Destiny I can send ya a gift if you’d like one, just tell me what you like.

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