Secrets Of The Abyss - Event Feedback Thread

CCP pls


Precursor cruiser skillbooks in Jita are at 21 mil down more than half since the start of the event.
Precursor frigate skillbooks in Jita are at 90 mil and seem unchanged this week for the most part.

I wonder which one is dropping from the event hmm.

Second Downtime has passed, and still no level reset and I still see duplicate tasks. So I’m assuming nothing has been fixed.

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I’m stuck on Abyss event forcing me to do tier 4 and 5 sites. Its really stupid. Tasks should reset at downtime as they used to on previous events.
Seems this event is only for those who have their pimped ships and experience running tier 5’s… Only those will have a chance to get extra accelerators and stuff from agency.
Everyone else is supposed to try and die.
If its not going to change soon it will be another dead event I suppose.

Also I really dont like to manually “claim points” when completing task. Agency takes 5-10 seconds to load and you need to do that step every few minutes. Really terrible idea.
It should stay either automatic or when you click ‘claim reward’ on hud panel it should claim those points instead opening agency and forcing to claim points on agency window.


I am really sorry to be so negative.

One can forgive and understand mistakes, and you have naturally had to make a hard decision, I cannot blame your team for that.

However what is not so easily forgiven is the total apparent lack of interest in actually making this event useful, achievable, and fun.

Whilst I am sure you will reassure us this isn’t the case, the impression given is where one bangs out a report at the last moment, after having been busy doing “fun stuff” knowing you don’t need the grade. I won’t repeat the detailed and accurate reports from players posting here, you can read them if you are vaguely interested.

Remember, If your team can’t be bothered to think about how your “event” can be good, why should players bother doing them?

If you are so short of resources, you cannot do a half decent job of creating events, you are simply better off not doing them and stop wasting our time.

This is NOT a personal attack, against you or your team, The idea of events is excellent, your team are clearly capable of doing great work, but in this case, I don’t know what made your team set a low bar and then fail to meet even that. Please do better, I hope you are given the resources and the will to do so.


I need too to be able to reset the Tier challenge, I can’t do T4 or T5. Even if I had a shot at it, I would lose too much for this stupid thing.
Claiming reward is annoying as well, though not as much.


Event disappeared after comlpeting Delve into the Abyss task :frowning:
No, I didn’t achieve 1000 points.

What’s wrong?

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My feedback: This event is shithouse. One of my corpmates, with 80M SP or more, lost his Caracal Navy in a Tier 1 site. I just lost my VNI (and pod) in a Tier 2 site, trying to complete one to get that stupid booster.

Fix your ■■■■ CCP. This is NOT FUN. It’s really poor design to exclude most of your new playerbase (your fresh, growth, $$ income source) from your featured events. Talk about perverse marketing.


I’m 6 months into game, with quite a bit of real $$ invested for initial skillpoints but I can’t yet fly a HAC. So this event excludes me.

Poor design CCP.


Take Gila. Even 1.7 MSp alpha char can run t1-3 sites with it.


“Take Gila press IWIN button. Rinse, repeat”. Screw that. This toon does not fly Gilas, and CCP shouldn’t be actively catering to ‘single-way-to-win’ FotM in their new content and events.
Again, atrocious design.

PS / Edit - If an 80M SP toon in a Caracal Navy can’t do a Tier 1 site, but a 1.7M SP toon in a Gila allegedly can do Tier 3s… is problem is with the player or their skills, or design of content?

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Well to be fair the Abyss is not harder in this event than it already was. So that doesn’t really have anything to do with the implementation of the event itself. Is the Abyss hard and treacherous? Yes, but that was known. What’s bothering us right now is the poorly implemented gameplay and the bugs surrounding the event, not the theatre.


This isn’t Warframe tho, you can’t say “I don’t wanna use powerful ship because there’s no skill” you actually risk losing stuff in EVE. And the learning curve isn’t forgiving if you don’t use SiSi.
And while the Gila is an easy low-skill solution, the efficiency isn’t great.

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Yet another “event” with skins and boosters as the “reward.” How exciting. :roll_eyes:

Bird is the word.

When you are on each specific task, you can open the Agency’s Live Event page and see what rewards are provided by each challenge. The icons will be on the challenge cards. If the card does not have a “loot” reward icon, then it does not give any items.

For example:
1x awarded for completing Tier 2
1x awarded for completing Tier 4

It will repeat only if you complete it. We keep a close eye on what ship fits and skill points are required to complete each tier.

There is a way to obtain these. I have verified that it is working.

I voiced the same concern but development is a team effort and I am not a dictator in regards to my designs. If this keeps coming up, I’ll keep pushing to change this.


Due to how the system handles challenges, this is just the nature of the beast. We put in place certain checks that are supposed to prevent duplicates, but there is also a failsafe which is triggering that should not be.

We’re actually designing a different system for selecting challenges. This will reduce the chance for duplicates, but will also give us a lot more control over what challenge is selected in general.

The reason we want to do the change is to make it so that challenges can be grouped together, either by profession (mining, combat, production, etc) or by difficulty (group 1 challenges are very difficult, group 2 challenges are easy and highly repeatable). We’re still in talks about it, but as a side effect it will only give out duplicates if we allow it.

This is the newest bug on our radar and we’ve been working to try to get this one resolved. It’s been hard to repro but I think I know what went wrong here. If I understand correctly it should only occur if you complete or have completed the Tier 5 challenge. We might have a fix for this coming soon.

Not part of the event. Not sure what to tell you there.

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an 80m sp is not a new player. Also abyss was intended to be more challenging pve. CCP’s problem is that they created an event that suckers in folk who for some reason or other dont know that the abyss is the new burner missions.

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Confirm. I’ve got this when I completed Tier 5 when I have Exploratory Sequencing tasks duplicated (but not completed). After this pressing “Get Reward” button The Agency window got stuck and the event disappeared after the client restart.

This is ‘per account’ bug because I still have event on the other accounts but I don’t have it on the other characters on this acc.

May be this helps.

P.S. This bug appeared only after this downtime. Before it everything was OK.

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IMO this is a major issue, because it creates a very large reward gap between those who can reliably complete tier 5 sites and those that can’t. If you can do it, you can farm accelerators by doing the repeatable tasks over and over again, but if you can’t, you’re left with what you get at tier 2 and tier 4, each just once.

It makes total sense for someone with a better ship, better skills and more experience to obtain more/better rewards than someone who doesn’t have those, but it should be on a scale rather than a binary switch between “farmable accelerators” and “meager one time rewards”.

This could be accomplished by having the Delve into the Abyss task reset, either on a timer or manually by the user and then redo the reward structure to increase with each step. That way someone who can go up to tier 3, can farm the first three steps of the task and get some rewards, while a player who can easily farm tier 5 sites can run the full sequence and get the top rewards.


Those who can reliably complete T5 abyssals get the bug that’s making the event disappear until the next downtime.

Vol - I’m c. 17m SP and six months in (that’s a fair bit of money injecting to get to that point).

The corpmate with ~80M SP who lost is Caracal Navy did so because he fit RMLs and got a battleship spawn in his first Tier 1: Unable to apply enough DPS, he died to timer. Call it ‘steep learning curve’, maybe, but it’s counterproductive to make an Event around new content - to try and encourage people like this guy to try the new content because it’s been stillborn, and then reinforce the lessons why people aren’t bothering.

I can tell you this corpmate in my example is not going to go back to the event …And my brother with a couple of 170M SP toons won’t bother either; he learned his lesson in Tier 3s early on and went ‘yeah nah, no thanks, stuff that’

So if participation is intended to be low and exclusive, why did CCP invest the $$ in designing it and publicising it?

Wealth re-distribution to the already rich via rinse-repeat cerebral booster farming at Tier 5 and a ‘seeya, thanks for coming, here’s your penny. Git gud. No love, CCP’ for anything less?

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