Secrets Of The Abyss - Event Feedback Thread

Yeah, but why do we have to tell them all the problem and then we don’t see any comment from them on these issue …

I know they work hard, but for whom ?

Not for their general customer …

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That’s pretty much it, I agree with that part.
In the previous data cache event it was fun and challenging to balance a ship that can fight the spawns while maintaining a decent hack rate. This was naturally easier for high SP characters so I imagine they were able to farm rewards faster. While low SP characters had a harder time but through either clever plans or just sheer willpower/grind they could still get rewards, albeit at a slower rate.
Another previous event required players to catch an extremely fast moving loot ship that could also jam a MWD. Again you had to balance a way to catch the ship while tanking and fighting. It had the same effect I previously stated. I had alot of fun testing fits until I landed on a dual prop and web fit that still required proper piloting.
Those kinds of scenarios are extremely fun and gratifying for me without even considering loot, but its nice to get something for it too. In this event I feel completely excluded from further rewards since i’m unable to finish tier 5 rifts.
I do believe better or higher SP characters deserve a bigger reward, or a way to grind them faster, but I still want a chance to play and earn rewards past the first day. I originally intended to play every day during this event, but currently no reason to especially when you consider the risk vs reward.

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This event feels like a game of “whack-a-mole”.

• Complete a task.
• Get an immediate notification.
• Bring up the Agency window (which covers a good chunk of your screen real estate).
• Redeem reward.
• Close Agency window.
• Repeat.

Bonus points if you also have Aura popping up all over the bloody place. What happened to the auto-point redemption system in previous events?

Secrets of the Abyss - Rated F for Fail.


Since it’s an event, where are the agency boosters!?

Most of them spiked and dried up, I didn’t see much relisting that would indicate a market manipulation.

a week ago the frig book was 170mil, I paid about 200mil for mine. I’d say 90 is down.

so far I’ve only had the frig book drop. but the frig book is the gateway to the other ship types so it bottlenecks. It might be worth taking a look at the volume traded rather than just price.

that’s just what I used. I’m assuming there are far more options for t1-2 sites.

And anyways I think it’s nice they have an event that isn’t just go kill some boring small npcs at a beacon (although that’s what a lot of the t1s feel like).

Oh it’s going to keep coming up! I think you can make a case of click if there is a reward attached to the milestone, but for all the points only it should auto complete.

And yea, an 80m SP character should know to not fly a caracal navy issue…

I like people like this, when they say it’s too hard and quit I say I’ll figure out a way do it and make boat load of money!


Definitely keep it coming. This View Rewards/Redeem Rewards is giving me carpal tunnel. Forcing us to open the Agency window every minute or so is cruel and unusual punishment.


TBH I kinda like it. If it was anywhere but abyssal space I wouldn’t really have an issues. It’s just somewhat dangerous in abyssal space b/c of the timer. When sometimes you only have a couple minutes or few seconds to make it out alive I feel to rushed to want to do it.

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literally no one wanted harder pve, they want more lucrative ded sites that are soloable.

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Can we please have some kind of a timer on these Agency event chains or some way to force a reroll? I’ve got 2 Raging/Chaotic filament tasks (and no filaments to attempt to run them if even if I wanted to), one mutaplasmid task that I haven’t been getting anything for, and then the last is just the room running task that’s the only thing still earning me points in this event. If that thing rolls off, I’m going to be done and quite frankly, given the low drop rate of anything worth a damn in the Abyssal sites, I don’t have any incentive to want to throw ISK at an event with zero payout.

Y’all are shooting yourselves in the feet with the management of this event, CCP.



Sorry, what with this bugfix? I (and not only I) still have no access to the event at all.

Jita Vedmak price 328 mil and basically unchanged since start of event.
Jita Damavik price 138 mil and slightly down but basically unchanged since start of event.

Wow I expected some kind of increase in supply to lower prices, but this, this is just lol.

I love the “secret” escalations nerf :slight_smile: not

So, CCP, just for fun, I tried a filament L5 with booster …
Did 2 first level with 5 min each … went very weell and got a freaking death spawn

Thanks, lost a billion and a bit !

Just because I really wanted to talk about something that I tried …
Really L5 are not for the 99% players

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it came up again: Reddit - Dive into anything

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like are you even looking at the price graph?

Today’s average vedmak price is 300m, 2 days ago it was 330m, 7 days ago 350m. I’d say that’s going down.

On the Damavik price is a bit more stable but still down over time. The buy order price level is dropping leading me to believe the future prices will continue to drop. the average actually went up a bit the last few days, but it’s a new shiny thing prices are likely to bounce.

and fwiw the leshak is down like 100mil over the last week.

Now that the AT is over the AT related demand is gone so that will allow prices to fall, but also now that those prices have fallen some that more players will pick up the skills pushing prices up as they play with their new toys.

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Hello dear CCP,

I am very happy with latest patch for some reason i’m not bothered by AURA I don’t know why must be a setting I disabled many years ago.
Also I still didn’t turn sound back on it’s been 11 years now I do listen to other music and my annoying corpmates is enough.
I made sure to turn off the Agency thingy only use it to find escalations anyway.
I am sorry to say I won’t have time to go in abyss since null anom are such fun I did buy another leshak in jita to help the abyss farmers.
I am happy to see my everyday activities haven’t been affected local works,ratting works,PP going nice and strong thank you and keep up the good work.

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so any feedback to the problems with the accelerators? they still do not work for me… CCP ?

How can you consistently manage to f*ck-up something with every event?
Sometimes (as with this event) - multiple things.
That takes rare skill folks. Does QA even exist @CCP anymore?

Wait, I forgot. We’re still blaming everything on summer holidays…

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  1. Pay to win salt.
  2. If your corp mate take a time and prepared (aka viewed few youtube videos) he would know, that battleship must be killed as first thing since they spawn heavily damaged at the beginnning and slowly repair themselves to full health. If you start hammering them in-time, you should be able to kill it even with RLML Caracal.
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This is going to be direct to the point.

To clarify I am not making a personal attack against any person, member of a team, or CCP

It is apparent that either insufficient time, effort, or care is being expended on the Events offered by CCP.

Coupled with this there seems no understanding of The abyssal sites and dangers and the seriously dangerous PVE that exists in it, and the costs of engaging in it.

Your replies do not even acknowledge this, or lead to any hope that future events will be an improvement.

The only impression that the player base have gained from this is entirely Negative.

It can be summed up in one word. Incompetent.

Incompetent design, Incompetent effort, incompetent implementation.

Maybe someone will learn a lesson?

One can hope.


Joined the forum 40 minutes ago, spent 6 minutes to read and already have full mouth of pathetic talking.
If the Event is so incompitent, why it is so popular? Let check the killboard. And we know it gains statistic only from accounts, registered there:

Abyssal Spaceship Entities

Monthly History

Kills Points ISK Losses Points ISK Efficiency Top 10
August 5,263 5,728 1.70t 0 0 0 100.0% 8 / 2018
July 4,634 13,109 1.63t 0 0 0 100.0% 7 / 2018
June 13,347 39,065 4.27t 0 0 0 100.0% 6 / 2018
Month is not over yet, but it is already ahead of last one in terms of players, diving into Abyss

Unstable Abyssal Depths

Monthly History

Kills Points ISK Losses Points ISK Efficiency Top 10
August 3,042 3,122 997.98b 0 0 0 100.0% 8 / 2018
July 3,000 4,325 1.25t 0 0 0 100.0% 7 / 2018
June 12,372 16,491 3.37t 0 0 0 100.0% 6 / 2018

Same here, though it is clear, that players dying in cheaper ships. Most of those, who participated dyed to NPC, not to timer.

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