Secrets Of The Abyss - Event Feedback Thread

@CCP_Dragon i had nearly 400 points and now you tell me i have to grind them again?? Are you kidding me?

I lost my first set of points too…

On the up side you might get all the rewards again

if only … I only got one accel.

but maybe i dont want to grind them again?

I lost couple 100 points too…

thanks just lost all my points so no sense in playing

great lost all my points, ran another and it says I have completed 3 tasks, and only one is able to be claimed, and I am now officially really really frustrated. there doesn’t seem to be any part of this actually working properly.

Guys, I understand all the frustration. I myself lost a couple hundred points. But just not playing? That’s like the carrier you spent weeks and months training for, spend billions fitting and your first trip out, get it blown up. Do you quit? No. It sucks. I know it does, as it affected me too. But the CCP guys are doing what they can. Seeing as the event came out this morning, I reckon at most that a few hours were lost point wise. What’s a few hours in the time pit that is EVE? If nothing else, the knowledge that you CAN do the event and how to do so is something that you kept. So grind a few more hours and try to give the bossmen and women a break. You never know. The “secret” of the abyss may have been that it disrupted our agency tab. :joy::joy: Just enjoy it guys, and again, don’t be so hard on the people up top. Fly safe everyone.


so u compare a ship i lost cause of my mistake to ccp resets a progress instead of fixing?

the reset is fixing , I had 420 points without even touching the Abyssal deadspace .

This is crazy, for a delayed patch this is just crazy. Would it have been better to do partial patches? Like skins/tayra on time and then NPE? I have heard about how difficult game-objects can be in EVEs current code. Such as LP store items being coded as missions, so hopefully that isn’t silently busting as a result of all this

So I need to do this again (Secrets of Abyss)…
and many people have risked their ships ?

I agree the comparison is waaaaay out of whack. A Carrier takes ages to get, not to mention the insane training time. It’s nothing like losing 4-5h of game time.

Although I can confirm that I got double rewards so there’s that :neutral_face:


Thought you were fixing the empty caches - seems not.

So, all ranting aside, has anybody found a use yet for those Triglavian Trinary Datastreams? And is it always that plus some Survey Databases that spawn from the containers? Would be nice if you had the occasional skin or accelerator too; I’ve opened about 20 so far but it’s only Datastreams and Databases so far.


We understand the consequences of what we had to do. I am very sorry. I have no excuse.

Resetting progress is one of the worst things we can ever do and I hate having to do it. Unfortunately this was the best solution at the time and we decided to do a live hotfix rather than wait any longer.

We have identified how this happened and we have put in place measures that make it very difficult for this particular version of the problem to resurface.


The kill doesn’t seem to count if the drones near the tower thing but I think they do count when not near it. I take it the tower counts as final blow?

I can’t remember an event that was not f*** up at the release. C’mon man, how hard can it be? Especially after you delayed the patch.

Kinda have to laugh a little since I get to wait until after work to do these events and usually by then they work.

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