Security status effects tethering

Nothing more needs to be said.

If CCP devs don’t understand this, the game will die in the near future.

I will be fine, I hope they can find a new job.


Can’t they just get on Universal Basic Income? Why would anybody want to work?

Finally CCP is nerfing ganking. We only had to wait 19 years!

I was about to un-sub all of my accounts and go play Stardew, but now I can keep playing EVE instead. Thank you for fixing the game, CCP!


So ganking can and will still happen, except now gankers will have to be omega, while they can attack alphas

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Does that mean alpha accounts can’t have a safety set to red in hi sec, or can’t SET their safety to red in hi sec. It seems like the latter. So you can jump to low, set it to red, and jump back into high?

It will probably automatically adjust.

Maybe the best I can hope for is that at some point in the future there will be one glorious window when a new generation of fattened hi sec miners start to explore low sec without even knowing what a point is, but BEFORE they lobby to remove pvp from low sec. Maybe that’s the beautiful golden age I can dream of.

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You actually can PvP in Highsec, you just have to use the formal War Declaration system or attack suspects and criminals as well as steal from someone and engage back if they engage you. All of those you can do with Safety to Yellow.


That’s nonsense.

You can’t wardec people who aren’t wardec eligible.


EVE Echoes has consensual PvP in low-sec (in high-sec you can’t shoot at all).

Only about 2% of all active corporations/alliances in the game are war-eligible.

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This is a sad day indeed. Really the only people that are truly hurt by this are the low sec pirates and denizens. We are becoming an endangered species.

So, if low security status folks can’t dock in high sec, does that mean that high security status folks can’t dock in low sec stations?

Honestly, I think CCP should take this one step further. Instead of preventing flashy reds from tethering, I think all structures should be removed from high sec.

And since high sec is going to be risk free, I’m going to amend my high sec reform.

Now only level 1 and 2 missions can be run in high. Filiments cannot be popped at all in high. Removal of all combat anomalies. Only extremely low payout relic/data sites spawn in high.

And no ore mining. All the belts have been sucked dry.

High sec = little reward.


I admit I am being kinda pedantic here, but details are important IMO.

Also a good point, and will only cause strain on the wardec system and people angry that they can’t wardec everyone anymore. I am not suggesting this should make it good or anything, just pointing out the technical edgecases. The examples that prove the rule if you prefer.

Keepstars at minimum. But if you remove structures then people would have a lot of trouble wardeccing others.

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If that is indeed what is proposed it would kill the game.
As a Miner/Explorer if there’s no risk then there’s no point in playing


There’s a higher chance of CCP adding level 5 missions to high-sec than them removing level 3 and 4 missions from high-sec.

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Oh, yes I forgot.

Bring back the old war dec mechanic.

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This was explicitly stated in the past devblog with alpha introduction.

Q: Won’t suicide ganking using free characters be a major problem?

A: We don’t think clone states will have much impact on suicide ganking or other harassment in high-sec. But, we will be paying very close attention and if this becomes an issue we can pursue options to improve the situation such as turning safety’s on for Alphas in high sec or making changes to the allowed skills list.


They monitored the situation so thoroughly, that it took them 6 years to complete their assessment.

This is definitely the change we needed and totally implemented within a timely manner. High fives all around :+1:

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Stop to mislead people who started the game after alpha introduction.

Alpha accounts are just relabeling of trial accounts, which used to exist.
Eve Online is originally subscription base game, and trial was to give opportunities for players to judge if they subscribe the game to keep playing or not. And in the forms of trials, there were no access to small blaster specialization.
Neither the alpha could access those skills in the initial launch.

The mistake was made by CCP that they should have announced this as an “infinite term trial system”, however had advertised this as “Free 2 play”. General F2P game design provides fundamental game experience for all the free accounts, then extra contents or advantages will be grantable for the DLC.
EVE’s game design is fundamentally based on the assumption all the active accounts are subscribed. It means that only subscribed account ( omega ) can and must obtain the basic contents of the game.
EVE has been never F2P, nor should be. Your criticism is based on wrong perspective of the fundamental game design. I don’t blame you for that, it’s due to CCP’s mistake misled people that EVE is F2P.

This ain’t paywall at all. far from it, this is going to be away from P2W.
We are just going back to the position where we should be.


After these ridiculous changes I’m not sure I even want one…let alone many.

There’s the real irony. Before the price changes I was on the brink of having two Omega accounts. Then with the price changes I decided to postpone the second Omega. Now it is cancelled…I’m not gonna reward CCP for reducing the content in Eve.

Well done CCP ! Way to earn more income.


Finally some real consequences for criminals and pirates in high sec. It was long overdue that pirates would be kicked out of NPC stations when they are criminal or pirates. Plus, staying tethered on a structure to avoid facpo/facnav and be ready to warp to a gank right away gave them way too much of an advantage.

The problem that I see with this is that CCP will now kill high sec by turning it into islands.

When it comes to wars: There should be a member limit until a corp becomes war dec eligible. It is absolutely implausible why a corp with 1000 members, let alone 30k members, should be immune to war decs.