Sell or or reproces to minerals

Kernite, Omber, and some other ores that are required by Storyline Mission sell pretty well w/o compression.

I think for most “serious amounts” of loot that need to be gotten rid off it’s more like highsecbuyback the loot vs. highsecbuyback the reprocessed minerals.

I for my part usually reproccess any non-green/blue loot and then highsecbuyback whatever minerals my next industry batch doesn’t need. Green/blue loot is either HODL-ed in Rens, put to sale in Rens, hauled to Jita and sold to buy offers there, or just highsec-buybacked if I can’t bother Waiting for Rens or Hauling to Jita.

Though… I’ve also highsecbuyback-ed items that were in Jita to begin with. HSBB pays 90% of current Jita Buy for most items, and if the buy order volumes are unable to tank my stockpile getting dumped, 90% of the current highest bid price for all items will be more then the revenue obtained by dumping into depleting buy orders. There’s no tool I’m aware of that considers order volumes when providing estimates on trade income/expenses.