Seperate servers for PVP and PVE

First and foremost, we have to accept the fact that people are different and have different wishes and needs.
So there is a group that wants a constant fight and victory.
There is a group of people who want to build and create.
There is a group of people who like to collect and own large quantities.

Each of them is right in their own way and will pay a gaming subscription that meets their wishes and needs.

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Well articulated and informational post Pedro, thank you. I do learn from my mistakes and donā€™t fly the best I can afford any more. I didnā€™t exaggerate about 80% of my assets but I really did only say it for dramatic effect, I am aware that the 10mil I lost is nothing. I still think a carebear server could work to teach more players about the game. With how scripted everything is, it would be a simple task to set up a training server with NPCs fitted like PCs. The ā€œpiratesā€ ended this game for me over a decade ago, I would have expected the dev team to realize this and want to better educate their player-base on the dangers of space and how to cope. I understand that it is always going to be a big part of the game and that it drives the economy to make players keep making new ships. What I donā€™t like is that we have systems and weapons that rely heavily on speed and distance and tracking and all these things but the devs say itā€™s OKAY to spawn camp. No need to chase someone down and ensnare them and actually work for a kill, just set up your shotgun and sit in a spawn zone and wait to pull the trigger. To me this cheesy method of ganking could be fixed as easily as randomizing the drop-off point of any jumpgate to +/- 100km. Then pirates would actually need to put effort into their ganks. Thatā€™s my biggest gripe with this game but I will keep an open mind at least until I max out this alpha account.

just because its an MMO game doesnā€™t mean there has to be shooting interaction between players, thatā€™s what you want and thatā€™s fine, and thatā€™s what you have, I on the other hand have spent the last 10years playing my game putting up with kno-bed people interfering with my game play, as a miner and industrialistā€¦ I have over the years built all kinds of ships from ore reprocessed by myself to minerals Iā€™m just finishing building a bowhead (try it yourselves first to see the time scale involved just from mining, the BPā€™s I bought were from money I got from selling fuel for player space stationsā€¦ I never got into a pvp situation from myside only the result of someone blowing up an unarmed mining vessel ā€¦ wow no threat to their own vessel thenā€¦ I have survived EVE without PVP, and the market would survive without PVP also, sure it helps and keeps the PVP fraternity happy and I have survived what is a gross over-site in this discussion is that NOT one PVE person has said YOU CANT DO PVPā€¦ yet ALL PVP people say YOU CANT DO PVE hereā€¦ so which side is being fascistic. ALSO if CCP decide to put a timer on ships like they DID on jump drives (jump drive fatigue) thereā€™s nothing the PVP community could do about it ā€¦ except whine of course.

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Youā€™re a weird cat.

Of course you can do PVE. You just have to be prepared for the possibility that someone else might bring PVP to you.

Just in the same way I could go explore but the good sites are already hacked by other people, or want to run a 10/10 DED but they are already being run, or want to ice mine, but some other fleet has already mined it all, etc.

Thereā€™s lots of ways that we all compete against each other in this game, but no one is saying you canā€™t try to do what you want. Thatā€™s the sandbox nature.

And just as you can try to do what you want, others have that equal right to try what they want, including bringing PVP to you.

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Ich liebe dieses wundervolle Spiel, aber ich habe kein Interesse an pvp, mir wiederstrebt es, Geld auszugeben um mir von kriminellen spielern alles kaputtmachen zu lassen woran ich mich erfreue, es sollte wirklich ein pve Server wie oben beschrieben paralel eingerichtet werden, ich denke es werden sehr viele spieler hinzukommen
und es wƤre eine massive Bereicherung von eve !


It is WAY easier than in 2006 when I joined. BUT there are more people in lowsec, wormhole space and nullsec. Try joining Karmafleet or Ascendance and relearn the game assisted by professionals. When you are ready you can stay or go out and have your own adventures.

Iā€™m wondering if there isnā€™t a .CODE agent around to sell you a mining permit. But then again, if there are human pirates, would there be a way around them? Can you bribe them, fight them off, confuse them, ā€¦ there are many ways to deal with them. Maybe have some friends protect your ship?

ahahahhahahahah no

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