JIta, Dodixie, Amarr, Rens (Hek).
see… now I’m going to have to use space violence against you
May I ask why you would buy a completed ship and then just reprocess it for the minerals? Why not just buy the ore or minerals? I sell frigates 3 or 4 at a time. Why take the time and trouble to buy such a small number in one system, reprocess them, transport the minerals, fly to another system, repeat the process, etc etc?
I would think a completed ship would be more useful to a corp at war than a pile of minerals.
Because it’s cheaper to buy the ship and reprocess it on the place than to buy minerals on the places. I can save up to 25% this way, usually 10% - compared to placing a BO, not SO of course.
Sometimes I just buy, reprocess, and sell, for 10% margin.
I only buy them in Jita BTW.
That’s depressing. It means that I’m wasting my time. I don’t sell in Jita, only in Elgoi and Sankassen. But maybe I’m wasting my time playing this game. Thank you for your honest reply. Safe flying to you.
FWIW, it seemed yesterday the price of ores spiked. Especially for Scordite.
Look at it this way:
If your minerals sell for more or sell faster if you turn it into ships first instead of selling the raw minerals, it means you’re not wasting time creating those ships. And what happens to the ships afterwards doesn’t matter.
If you could have made more ISK by selling the minerals instead of the ships, thenyes, you may be wasting time turning it into ships.
If you want your ships to be used by a corporation at war, go join one and build the ships close to where the action is. Then you can be much more certain people use your ships for combat!
You’re wasting your time as soon as you are projecting the use of the stuff your produce.
Don’t worry, today I bought 20k 150mm light autocannon I for 187.2M and reprocessd them, sold them for 210M after the taxes.
It does not mean that those people made a wrong choice. All it means, is that those people were selling with so tiny margin that a small shake on the market make their operation a loss.
Edit : the margin being, comparing “I sell my mats” to “I build and sell the built stuff”. Actually it look like it was negative to start with.
Right now as I write, there are 5B of stuff in Jita that are sold for lower than the price of the mats you get by reprocessing them.
I understand, but my main character is in a great corp called Hideaway Hunters. Mature people, nice people. I’ve been playing on and off since 2005, and most people I meet in-game are jerks. I’m not going to leave this corp any time soon.
To me, the participation is the thing. Participation in the economy, in the political landscape, of New Eden. Mining is relaxing and fun, but mining only, all the time, and just selling the ore, can get boring. Anyway, thank you for your reply.
If you don’t check if you are at loss . THEN you accept to be at a loss. THEN also, people will take your loss and make it their profit.
I’m not saying you should change, I don’t judge : just telling you that industry without rigor is a sink of time and often a net benefit loss.
You are right, I know. Just realizing the futility of what I do in New Eden…it’s depressing. What’s “fun” to me isn’t fun to most everybody else. I’m much older in RL than many of you. I just log in and try to play the game that’s in front of me. It’s a diversion from the depression of RL these days. But since I’m not a billionaire wannabe in a PVP corp living in null, I might as well just log off and go read a book.
Anyway, please forgive me for hijacking this thread.
Its not.
The futility is to put in on the public market and expect to make a profit when other people are actually competing.
If you want to build things that help, you can join several groups (without leaving your corp)
or RvB that I often see fighting.
Just so you know, I often actually keep the stuff I bought for profit and actually use them to craft, to give to people, or just giveaway.
Though I also often just reprocess them, like when I have 3B of stuff I bought and I just can’t sort out. reprocess ALL the stuff !
Well this did not age well did it L M A O
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