Setting the record straight - by Adrian Vexier

Your thread was closed because you were being unnecessarily rude and insulting to anyone who gave you an answer you didn’t like.

Second, “exact methods” is a bold faced lie. Not only did Adrian not do anything that any other player could do, but an explanation of all of it has been provided to you. If you weren’t being blinded by motivated reasoning, you could understand and even replicate what he’s done.

Now, I can understand that he’s a thorn in your side that you might want removed. However, making false accusations (that you should know is misinformation), insulting those who dare to explain things to you, and generally sitting around complaining isn’t going to achieve that end. So, I would suggest that you either start brainstorming possible solutions, or that you ask real ■■■■■■■ nicely for some advice from the community.

And not for nothing, but who’s the real bad guy here? One guy engages in competitive play in a game built for cooperative AND competitive play, but is always polite and courteous. The other engages in cooperative play, but is insulting and aggressive to most of the people he interacts with. Well, I’ll give you a hint -it’s you. You are a sore loser. If anyone is making this game worse for other players it’s you. In fact, you’re even making the game worse for you, because your current “solution” isn’t going to fix your Adrian problem or relieve your frustration.

And I know that you haven’t taken things this far, but while we’re on the subject -I think that it’s a crime that Adrian has to ask for people to keep things in game in his bio. It suggests that he’s had to deal with some truly unacceptable behavior from some seriously sore losers.

Meh. Like you are going to listen to anything I say or do any self-examination.
No P2W

Oh, and for anyone who is interested, CCP Convict left a reply explaining the GM Icecream shenanigans. I personally found his answer unsatisfying, but I do appreciate that they at least had the decency to respond to our concerns (instead of just ignoring us). Anyway, here’s the link.