Shake it up?

The tornado station gank crew seems to make it work.

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Posting ANYTHING regarding the limiting, or elimination, of ganking will result in nothing but replies against what youre wanting. . Unfortunately, ganking in HS is something CCP can not rid itself of, all due to economic balance (how stupid) as well as not wanting to upset the cupcakes that cant do anything BUT gank. One needs to realize that the world we live in caters to the weak, the soft, the cowardly; therefore the ganker MUST have a place in that world … whether anyone likes it or not - remember, we live in a world of forced inclusion where the cowardly require a place of existence where they too can play games with the strong and powerful while all the while making some goofy claim to fame. It is what it is, no matter what true solution is provided to rid EvE of these bottom feeders.

I once got into the ganking world, and it was pathetic, I made a true fool of myself, and hated myself for even trying what I tried … it was kind of fun screwing with peoples minds, but it was sad and boring … yea, I was sad and bored the hell out of myself …

Look, at the end of the day ganking will always be in EvE. It does not matter how many wonderful solutions are provided to rid the game of this idiocy, it will always continue because every damn MMO online to this day is about the money … and nothing else … period …

I ignore all forum “hitmen” and ganking supporters … watch, they will come out of the woodwork to link my past … they hate me so much, because they loved me once and I stuck the knife deep …

Stop trying to provide solutions to this obvious game killer (ganking) - CCP will do absolutely nothing to end it … they never have, and they never will … its encouraged … makes the economy go’round … (as stupid as that really is)

Best advice - leave EvE … play something else … seriously, walk the hell out … there are better games … or, do what I do … lol … sorry cant tell you that one, thats classified …

I have played the infiltrator, done the ganking to gain their trust, did that, been there, got bored real fast as it was not simply wierd, it was pathetic … have since deleted all ganking toons (excepot one cuz i love his name lol - he is a miner out of personal spite hahaha) … but its a foolish play, an idiots venture, and stupid money maker for CCP … let it go dude, walk out … there are better games … o7

CCP believe gankers will leave if they intervene. And they may be right because there is no other content like it in this MMO.

Pros of ganking

  1. Availability. You can log in, join a gank fleet and get started immediately
  2. Accessibility. Omega subscription? Can fly a destroyer? Have 2-3 million isk? Welcome!
  3. Social. Ganking requires coordination
  4. Dynamic. It doesent take place in the excact same place and each gank is not the same
  5. Rewarding. Ganking is easy to learn and difficult to master which means its rewarding for both skilled and unskilled players

With this in mind it should be possible to adapt other content in the game so it can compete with ganking and reduce it ever so slightly

tl;dr There needs to be more on-demand PVP that still ticks all the sandboxes? FW was supposed to be excactly this, but in its current state FW is more like glorified PVE

IMHO: it’s partly that and partly that if there’s a 100% safe space then the economy as a whole will get skewed.
If they were to make hisec 100% safe, then they would also need to nerf hisec income into the dirt. No more incursions, no ice mining, only very low level anomalies with no escalations, maybe max of level two missions, very small asteroid belts with long respawn timers (and probably have to rebalance ore into other security areas to compensate)… How the hisec set would scream if that were to happen.

What’s the alternative if hisec was 100% safe with current income streams intact? You’d have a huge glut of hisec ice and ore very quickly, mission and incursion runners would tweak their fits to take advantage of the new reality, so those commodities would quickly become available in surplus, so prices would collapse.

Folk have been complaining about ganking for 20 years and never once do they consider the knock on effects through the game economy if it were to no longer be possible.

Another reason ganking is still a thing: it’s a core design philosophy of the game that there are no 100% safe spaces.

If high sec became safe from ganking every high sec player would rejoice and a majority of people play in high sec. Why not think about them instead of “the economy”. In reality the worst thing that can happen if ganking was permantly disabled is

  1. Economy improves
  1. Gankers leave the game

Thats the worst case scenario.

Obviously 1. is not a bad thing, and 2. can be avoided by creating alternative content to ganking by for example taking a look at FW from the eyes of someone playing the game.

By the way im not in favor of preventing any ganking what so ever yet. But if it came to that it wont be as bad as you say. Especially if the actual PVP content is made interesting.

Ps. ganking is emergent gameplay, it was never an intended form of play. And today there is at least 2 alliances dedicated to it. That should tell you how much the rest of the game sucks.

Contrary to popular belief, I don’t think the vast majority of high-sec players believe it should be “safe”.
Rather, some most would rather see some sort of balanced PvP mechanic (rock, paper, scissors), WarDecs (etc.) as opposed to roaming ganking blobs.

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What makes you think that increasing production, reducing destruction, and causing inflation ends up with “improving the economy?”

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