Sharing User Interfaces Between Characters

I agree 100%, I’ve also had my UI settings messed up on multiple occasions from server updates, definitely a pain in the arse and time consuming to reset multiple accounts…

The OP’s idea would definitely make the game a lot more ‘User Friendly’…

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i’m doing it since forever, the only thingthat is sometimes missing are the drone-folders. all other settings are synced perfectly.

i wrote a blog post on how to do this here: Sync EVE Online Game Profiles (ui settings and others) – Cosmic Sanitation Squad


You can drag and drop the Overview. If you run the clients in windowed mode and place them side by side (etc.), it’s fairly easy to recreate the individual elements with reasonable consistency (sometimes even down to the pixel). You can temporarily set the window resolution lower so that there’s less guesswork.

Not being a feature could be an anti-bot deterrent (my tinfoil could also be too snug).

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I mean, it’s been 22 years now. I’m sure this is far from the first request for this feature. I’m also pretty sure there’s a reason it hasn’t been implemented after 22 years…

Usually if theres an issue its there to deter AFK play and botters which is for your own good, but other than that theres people playing the game which means it doesent really have any issues

I remember Games that had a simple .ini file in their game directory and all that was needed was to make a copy of it to save all your game settings. Might have been that I used a green/black monochrome monitor and a command based OS back then. But such simple things worked.

Then some smartass had the glorious idea to program all software in a way that you need registry editors and whole folders in user-directories for the same simple task. I mean, how complex can it be to store just the client settings… no way a simple textfile isn’t sufficient for that.

:eyes: :psyccp: :popcorn:


It’s been a hot minute since that boot.ini fiasco…

Yeah well thats a funny name analogy but not even the same issue. Letting your game delete a system file not even in it’s own folder is just dumb programming.
But yeah I remember that…

Just be careful encouraging CCP to mess with .ini files again. :wink:

(yes this and the previous post was just a joke, btw should I add “/s” disclaimers too? :blush:)

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Nah it’s okay, i just hate lazy programming, leading to results that are absolutely foreseeable for an objective observer, despite hitting those who did the lazy programming totally out of the blue and they react really surprised… how could they have known that this was going to happen? And what black magic told others that exactly this was going to happen right from the start?

Not saying it wouldn’t be a handy feature to have. We’ve all had to re-install EVE at some point over the years and adjust all of our settings again. But the fact that CCP hasn’t made it a feature after more than two decades means it’s probably for a reason.

Even better question: How did they not see / discover it during testing before live deployment? :thinking:

:psyccp: :smirk: :wink:

Can’t we use AI to teach the bots where the window boundaries are…?

Maybe CCP should train AI to find bots…


They just need to add a dedicated department that does nothing else but roam high, low, and null in invincible, undetectable ships, looking for bots. Then, when found, they get teleported to Yulai, unable to move or fire, and we get to wail on them.

With a game-wide system message naming and shaming them, and an invitation for everyone to come to Yulai to kill them…


What if CCP offered their own EULA permitted bots in the NES in exchange of an amount of PLEX per account each month? :thinking:

:psyccp: :innocent: :popcorn:

that would probably be a huge success :slight_smile:

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If you can’t beat them… own them?