Shooting new players is a good thing! YES or NO?

i should add at no point that i recall i have stated that “I AM BETTER” than anyone.

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That’s true. Nice to see you stepping away in a graceful manner.

sorry :weary:

Well … I guess … you could still, at least, gracefully admit that you’re too weak to step away.

: - )

i shouldnt have to provide proof on the forum to back up my claims, not all pvp ends with a kill or a loss, ive come up against lusy lou a few times now for example; we have vied for position and after neither of us can get the position we want we move on; that is in fact a part of solo pvp, no fight, no kill but its player versus player; its also why i stated you need to know how to read the boards tbh.

You need to provide proof to back up your arguments. An assertion made without evidence can be dismissed without evidence. I don’t care about your personal feelings of your experience, I care about what kind of understanding of the game you can demonstrate, and how you apply that understanding to what changing the fundamental nature of the game would do to it. EVE is one big PVP arena, and that includes high sec. I suggest that if you’ve been playing for seven years and you don’t understand that simple fact about the game, then your experience isn’t worth snot, regardless of your zkillboard stats.

Proof has been provided, but your fixation on percentages skews your vision, you are very ‘blinkered’

And why should i provide proof here when you have the capability to look for yourself?

I dont want to post ‘proof’ here, i dont wish to be attempting to say ‘im good’ or ‘im better’ you want the proof go look for it instead of flinging out defamatory remarks without indeed assessing the actual situation first.

There is also, for people like you, no end to the proof i would have to provide; killmails, battle reports, fact is your so set on your percentages that you miss a lot of facts.

You provided killboard stats. They demonstrate you have reasonable experience in PVP.

They DON’T demonstrate you have reasonable experience in game design, or what’s good for EVE on a whole. Neither do mine. They don’t really demonstrate anything other than you’ve whored on more capitals than me. You demonstrate that you don’t understand core fundamental elements of EVE Online when you argue for making high sec safe. Then when people try to explain what’s wrong with that, you also demonstrate wilful ignorance and elitism when you call them trolls and compare your killboard with their’s to try to look better.

I’d already looked up your killboard. I have never ever, not once, suggested that you don’t understand PVP, or that you’re not good at it. We’re not talking about PVP, though, we’re talking about an element of gameplay, and whether or not it works for EVE Online. Nothing you’ve said so far convinces me that making high sec safe, or not shooting new players, is good for the game. Let me know when you have an argument for that, a real one other than “THE SKY IS FALLING! WON’T SOMEONE THINK OF THE CHILDREN! IF YOU DISAGREE YOU’RE A TROLL!”.

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look at the links i provided, ive been in marmite and concentrated evil as well as my own wardeck corps.
Ive also ran my fair share of suicide ganks…
the types of gameplay i have an opinion on i very much understand, and have experience in.
the ‘elements’ of eve, at least for highsec, have to change to that of the current market demographic for online gaming.
I would be fine if these specific people werent ACTUALLY SPECIFICALLY targeting newer players just mining a belt in highsec; but they are, and they laugh and actively encourage people to quit the game.
Thats not good for the game.
And its certainly no good for content for the rest of us, limiting players limits content.

Ive recruited twice from highsec now in order to help develop people to be able to go their own way, when i encouraged a mining wing a few quit after suicide ganks and the smacktalk that folowed, some went to nullsec alliances when, to be perfectly honest; they simply werent ready for it.
I have had older folks in the corp quit because they dont want to be wardecked every week simply because their character is new, these are people with health issues; having suffered from strokes or some such that literally can not function fast enough to avoid the ganks.

The game should be for a greater many people, not just a handful of people who want to ruin it for as many others as they can.

Fact is code types remain untouchable for the most part until their alt has found a target, their is a very brief window in which to actually combat them. So maybe its this point that needs addressing?

Its a style of gameplay that is toxic and other than the ship loss to concord, incredibly risk averse; and for nothing, its not even piracy.

I’m going to keep this really simple for you.

I don’t care about what you’ve done, or how experienced you think you are, or what you think that means.

EVE is EVE. Convince me why it should be anything but that which it’s always been.

Its a style of gameplay that is toxic and other than the ship loss to concord, incredibly risk averse; and for nothing, its not even piracy.

See, this is your opinion. Nothing more. Everything you just wrote is opinion. I want to see objective reasons why EVE should become something it’s not. Until that happens, I will strongly resist any changes to high sec PVP. I don’t care if people are quitting EVE because they get PVP’d. They were always going to quit the game, because it’s a PVP game, and if CODE didn’t kill them, someone else would have, and you’d be railing against them instead. This is not an argument, it is an opinion, and an appeal to emotion. CODE are the villains of high sec, but they are not bad people IRL, and every good game has a powerful villain. And let’s face it, in a player driven game, the best villains have to be players.

Without someone like CODE, high sec would be extremely dull. I know that’s what you want because you’d be able to get your freighter alts in and out of Jita without the risk of losing them ever. Well, that’s not going to happen. I highly doubt CCP are interested in any proposals to make high sec safe either, given their history of making the point that it was never intended to be safe, and never should be.

But I’ll repost my compromise from earlier.

We can make high sec safe if: 1. high sec space is at least half the space it is now, and 2. any toon with more than 20mil SP, or on an account with more than 6 months activity, is chased out of it and banned from it by CONCORD, permanently, under penalty of not just death, but podkilling as well, by the magic space police. That way, it really will just be for newbs.

For the record, I don’t consider having been in Marmite as being experienced. Anyone can hubhump.

A new player enters the field …
… aaand he stopped typing. :slight_smile:

Sorry to have disapointed you, it was only a misclick…

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It’s okay. This thread has run its course anyway. The poll balanced around 80/20, which seems pretty perfect to me. There’s more action going on in the thread about The End of Citadel Courier Scams™ over on the testserver forum.

Generally, shooting new players are fine. I was shot in my poor industrial on third or fourth day in the game, this how I learned about systems security status, low-sec and so on, :slight_smile:

I dunno about high-sec pvp, it’s so one-sided. Wardeckers or suicide gankers can do sufficient damage to new players and corps, and new players and corps never can do any real harm in return, There is no “you broke my toy, I will break yours” possibilities, this is bad design in my book.

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Guess everyone your chatting with must be an entitled child who doesn’t understand that eve is hard it’s not babysitter online or World of Grindcraft…

Eve is Hard and should remain that way

Takes one to know one colonial!

We are the superstars of Highsec. People sing songs about our heroic deeds.

Praise James

Are you forum stalking me again? Seriously have no life… Aren’t your sheep lonely?

Eve is easy, if your finding it hard i can give you some pointers?