
I want to make left click f1 and right click f2, but how do I change them?

Hello Bill,

A lot of people tend to think this is a space sim where you fly around with WASD keys or the arrow keys firing at stuff with left and right clicks. It is not. All your combat and flight controls are mostly under computer control.

The settings for redefining your keyboard can be done for the first 2 modules or 8 high power modules here as shown below;

However it will not assign them to mouse buttons. You could reassign them with a gaming mouse or Windows OS but the game is set to use LMB and RMB for pawing through the menus. This game is not about fast reflexes of the players but more about who has the better build, fit, hull, and skills. There is a modicum of player strategy here from the players, but we don’t pilot the ship once combat starts.

Fly safe o7

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How will you click anything if this remap succeeded?

As John Rochard showed you can remap f1 and f2 to other buttons, I’ve personally bound them to 1 and 2 as those are more accessible than the f-keys, which is useful for often-used shortkeys.


:laughing: I was thinking the same thing, maybe use a laser pointer?

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I have a problem. I can point and click but when I got to put weapons on the ship in the fitting window, nothing happens.
Other people in the chat say I need a new Logitech mouse. It must be an error in my mouse software. I can’t drag or bring up windows, but everything else with the mouse works fine. It’s rightclick that becomes a problem when I need to do fittings or if I’m moving resources that I mined. It’s crazy so I need to have a backup button on my keyboard for rightclicking? Does anyone have Logitech? Logitech rightclick works for this game for you?

I do have a mouse from Logitech and it works without issues.
In what scenario do you try to use a right click? If you - for example - do a right-click on a ship or item, a context menu should appear beside your cursor.

A thing you could try is to reset your keybindings to default. There should be a button for in the ESC-menu.

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Your mouse shouldn’t be any issue. I cleared out almost all my default keybindings. In this game, I use the mouse for just about everything. I set my most used keys to simple single letter shortcuts. I use M for the galaxy map and N for the solar system map. B is the market because I "B"uy stuff. I set D for Dscan etc… But as you can see I left the F1 through F8 alone, but I don’t use them, most of the time I use the mouse to click the icons.

I hope everything works out with the mouse issues. However it sounds like something I would have to look at in person to know what is happening.

Fly safe o7

No context menu. I need the keyboard button for the context menu. I don’t have a right click.

I have three new ships and no way to fit them because it takes right-click to do so. Because there is no context menu settings for shortcuts, I can’t move my guns onto those ships. It stinks really bad there isn’t a shortcut option.

I understand that your mouse has only a single button that functions as a left click. But I guess something got lost in translation there.

I begin to doubt we can help you fix your mouse via this forum. But we can mention different ways to fit a ship that doesn’t involve a right click. For example:

  • You can also simulate a fitting in the fitting window and click the “fit ship” button in the bottom left:
  • Or use the fitting management window:
  • If you double-click the ship - so you board it, and then open the fitting window via the menu or shortcut. You can then manually drag & drop in all the items you want from your item hangar.
  • An alternative way to board a ship is to use the View Mode called “Cards”

    When you hover over a packaged ship, you also get the option to board it.

I know this doesn’t fix your original problem, but maybe it helps at least with the fitting.

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If you don’t have a mouse in Windows, you can use the keypad instead.

This works for Windows 10 as well.

I have no work around, if you are using a Mac Book wheel keyboard.
