Should EDENCOM attempt to build its own entrance to Pochven? Are they doing it?

By now, we’ve all become aware of the Pochven situation. I never really had a large amount of direct interaction with the Triglavian Collective beyond that I appreciate the aesthetic of their clothing and ship design, so I haven’t attempted to visit any of the lost systems despite having some ships in Ichoriya (when I first developed a small amount of fleet command experience, I used Ichoriya as a stopping point where I kept some reships). The lack of reliable routes into and out of the region is clearly a problem for anyone not interested in building friendly relations with the Collective.

I’m hearing that there might be big projects in there that the Collective is working on. I would assume that EDENCOM would like to make a counteroffensive at some point to disrupt those projects. I just wouldn’t expect them to make much progress if travel depends on being friendly with the Collective. Are they trying to develop their own travel methods to make this possible instead? If so, I would certainly be interested in seeing what they come up with. That being said, if they do come up with something, I don’t know if my intended use would be completely in line with their objectives. I’d personally want to see if it could bypass the normal routes between distant systems in order to strike at objectives far from home (I may currently be occupied in the Delve/Querious grind, but I know what I want to be doing once it’s over).

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