Should life be harder for gankers?

Hey, everyone needs a place to start. Especially when they’re 3 months out from being able to fly a Maurauder, where as decade old veterans are so soaked in ISK and SP that they can get away with using dreadnoughts to rat.

Yes, this is a requirement for the PVPs.


Yup. You’re part of the problem. You want to rat and optimize your isk/hr with no interruption, and now you’re whining on the forums how people “should” do pvp and leave you alone.

Why didn’t you stay and pvp? Oh, that’s right. You were isk farming in a wormhole… guess real pvp doesn’t happen there either…

Golly, they prevented you from doing isk/hr optimization stuff? In PvP land? The nerve!

Get a frigate, strap on guns and start shooting at ■■■■ in low sec. It’s what I did, less than 2 months into the game.

Frigate pvp is the best pvp. Cheap, fast, exciting. I can’t imagine how boring pvp in a marauder would be. But a gang of frigates could easily get under their guns… But you wouldn’t know about that little pvp mechanic because you’re too busy isk farming and justifying it by saying “once I get that marauder… once I get that marauder I’ll pvp.” But the only person you’re fooling her is yourself. The rest of us pvpers know you’ll never jump into the deep end of the pool and play with us.

Convenient little cop out you got going on there. I’m dirt poor, according to EvE standards, riding at about 3 bil isk net worth. That doesn’t stop me from pvp.

Like I said, frigates…


Life should be made harder for people who keep trolling the forums with blatant nonsense.

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I think CCP should offer a service that for $50 a person can get the name of all the characters and alts associated with any one character.

And for $300 you can target any specific character and have their SP reduced to 0.

You would see an immediate end to top tier ■■■■ posters like the DMC, Wesfern, RNG, etc. They would vanish into the woodwork.

Actual real consequences for hiding behind alts and ■■■■ posting on the forums.

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I think the biggest issue with trying to punish gankers is that there’s a line where it’s too much. I do think they don’t get enough consequences, but people do have to realize that there is a point where it’s just excessive. Do I think gankers can be assholes? Definitely. But at the end of the day, they’re still players, they still need to be able to enjoy the game.

My idea was better: require war eligibility to be able to post in any section that’s not for rookies or tech support. Maybe add some minimum activity requirements too so that people can’t just idle in some renter corp in a 30,000-player null-sec alliance.


Pretty please show me a frigate build than can kill a Marauder. Because I certainly wasn’t going to be killing it in the exploration ship that I had brought for probing the WH with. Also no T2 frigates either becuase I can’t fly those yet. Has to be T1.

I’m fine with suicide ganking as a mechanic. I do, however, think it too easy to either buy back security status with tags, or to simply trash the alt and make a new one with a fresh security rating.

If someone wants to suicide at Jita until they’re perma flashy there should be actual consequence for it.

Who is doing that? And the consequence is as soon as they undock, shoot them. It’s a free kill all the time. Sit there in an instalock gnosis and go to town. In fact, people sit there in ships like that all day, which is actually exactly why there are zero -10 pilots sitting around jita.

For an allegedly new player with little game experience and understanding of its mechanics, you sure do have a lot of big and important opinions about how the game should work.


You’ll need a team of about 5-6 frigates, to break the tank. But once that’s done, it’s pretty easy.

Give me you ingame name and I’ll shoot a whole slew of builds over for you.

Done25, same as the forum. Hell, I’ll even send you my discord ID if you want to discuss on there more easily.

When I pop in game, I’ll hit you with a whole bunch of builds, across all 4 empire tech 1 frigs.

Do you stand in front of a mirror chanting that to your reflection to try and convince yourself that you’re right?

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people seem to have convinced themselves that EVE is based around one single thing, which is false. It has a variety of things to do, so claiming “EVE is PVP based” or “EVE is mining based” would simply be wrong

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You simply miss the point. It doesn’t matter what someone does in the game. It is all competitive, because the resources are drawn from one pool. Sold in one market. Used in one universe. Every bit of Ice you mine puts pressure on the market price if you are going to sell it. Every bit of profit you make is profit taken away from someone else. Even if you don’t sell it and use it yourself, that is Ice you don’t buy, thus taking profits away from another Ice seller. And you can break that down to basically every activity in EVE, except some very special cases which are completely irrelevant in the grand scheme of things.

EVE is a competive game in it’s core, and this is true for bascially all acitvities you can do here. That doesn’t mean it is entirely about spaceships blowing up spaceships, even if most activities lead to that outcome in the end, even mining because thats exactly why the ores are hauled, refined, used for producing new spaceships, weapons and ammo.

That is what people have to understand, the moment you undock and do anything you are competing with others and they have every right and motivation to outplay you or even hurt you to make you stop doing it. Some for the fun. Some for the money. There is no “single player farmville content” here, if you build your sandcastle, it is made of sand that you have taken from a common reservoir and someone else might think it’s better if he uses the sand than you do.

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All the arguments with regard to what the game is about, or whether “PvP” means killing another player or literally anything you do if it’s competitive in nature, are pretty useless.

Here’s how you really tell what any game (not just EVE) is about:

When the game is discussed, what is its one dominating feature or aspect that’s brought up the majority of times? That’s what the game is about. Everything else is supplementary.

So when you ask a bunch of people “hey, have you ever heard of or played EVE Online?”, and you receive a bunch of response like “Oh, it’s the game where _______, right?”, that blank is what EVE is fundamentally based around at its core.

So, what’s that blank in the vast majority of cases? Is it “you can complete 800 different NPC missions”? Or maybe it is “you can buy and sell lots of different items on the market”? Or perhaps it is “you can explore over 5,000 different solar systems”?

What’s the one answer you’ll hear most often when asking this question?

yes right now its just too easy for them gank and steal so much from people

We can only guess. But from what I (personally) hear from decently informed people is “Ah, thats the game where everything being used is player-made, right? Awesome concept, a shame I don’t have time for it.”.

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