Should life be harder for gankers?

Yeah dude, it’s definitely that, or maybe “ah, it’s the game where you can mine seven different types of asteroids, radical!”

It’s definitely one of these two descriptors, and nothing else. No chance that there’s any other way that most people would describe this game, for sure!

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So this is what you really mean then, because irl you compete to buy the stuff on sale, or get a job?

So that’s pvp then?

I really think that some people in this game need to examine the narrative they promote and follow. Not only they promote, but CCP actively promotes as well, and I don’t think it’s good for the game or player numbers.

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It’s you (player) in competition with (vs) others (player). I mean, it’s kind of obvious and one would have to try really hard, or just not be that… capable, to not understand this.

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Yes. It’s competition.

There are no participation trophies for many aspects of real life.

Your soccer coach and parents did you a real disservice handing those things out to you when you lost. You never learned how to handle defeat, and now you run around with a victim mentality expecting everyone else to feel sorry for you and give you hand outs for literally doing noting.

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So in that case, miners are PvPers, and marketers are PvPers, and explorers are PvPers, and all the complaints from all those PvPers that CCP has gutted PvP and made PvP harder over the years is just so much wasted breath. And there are no carebears because everybody PvPs all the time.

And in fact most MMOs are packed full of PvPers PvPing all day long.

It’s a sloppy definition that’s based on a bit of word-twisting (‘versus’ equalling to compete or contest). While you can stretch it to that, the actually usage of ‘versus’ in PvP means, and has pretty much always meant, “to fight”.

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I read it as “to compete.”

It is why I hold to the opinion that the market is also pvp, because one is competing with their fellow players (or in RL, competitors) to sell their product.

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Lol wrong on every count.

In fact you’re so wrong I can’t stop chuckling.

Particularly as my parents never handed me anything, we just got on with it at a young age.

Football, not really bothered with it, never played it, rugby/cycling/shooting/reading on the other hand :slight_smile:

Victim mentality, lmao, I’m an ex soldier who has never had a handout in his life from anyone, nor ever asked or needed one. I’m not even sure I understand what a victim mentality is if I’m honest, unless it’s whining that a Cruiser can outshoot my Frigate.

So your post as an attempt at humiliation and insult is nothing short of wishful thinking probably reflecting your own life.

Mine’s been hard but great. Worked my arse off all my life for the wife and kids who are now in their forties, mortgage free, rent free, drawing a reasonable company pension and a small military pension and next year I get my state pension.

Plus I’m presently working part time after taking early retirement and being bored stupid after 18 months.

How’s your life been?

That’s nonsense, because Eve is not a collection of independent activities. Rather, all activities form a pyramid of which the apex is pew pew.

Thus, mining does not exist for its own sake. It is the start of the supply chain for pew pew. A miner is thus involved in someone’s war effort, gate camping, ganking. or whatever whether he likes it or not. If he gets ganked…he has mined the very materials that make the ships that gank him !

The LIE that so often gets told is that by those who try to treat each activity in Eve as independent. The lie of miners ’ just minding their own business '. It is totally bogus…and on par with an arms manufacturer claiming that war has nothing to do with them.

The truth is that the pinnacle of every activity in Eve is someone shooting someone else.


They are all involved in the supply chain for PvP. If I make bullets, I cannot remove myself from involvement in whatever their end use.

The fact that miners are not directly fighting does not remove them from involvement in any such fighting. You cannot be part of the supply chain for war and then claim that war is nothing to do with you !

CCP really, seriously, need to grasp that many of the measures they introduce to ‘protect noobs’ are simultaneously preventing those very noobs from engaging in the game in a meaningful way. For example, banning alphas from going red in highsec…maybe save a few noobs, but it also prevented a lot of Alpha noobs from any pew pew activity themselves in highsec. Likewise the changes to prevent small corps being ‘bullied’ by constant wardecs…now prevent small corps from engaging in war at all unless they buy a quantum core and set up a war HQ and so on.

Every single attempt to ‘protect’ people simply ends up making the game more BORING for those who don’t want protecting. And the latter are really your future core players.

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Nope, I just play the game.


Never go full R.

No, as it stands right now, hs gankers simply undock and gank. There needs to be more of risk, the more the ganker maintains a -10 sec status.

and where is the problem ? they can dock if they are above -5 sec status !

and all the antiganker and lazy miner and afk hauler cry and wants less because they want either heavy restrictions to ganking or a full ban of ganking !

and as its proven → nobody needs less ganking ! if your lazy then just die but its still your fault ! if you know how to play then you dont die its extrem easy !

but youre right ! we need more risk in this game !

You have to admit, there is a little more to it than " hs gankers simply undock and gank".

To gank someone you have to catch them on grid. Miners and mission runners should be watching local and dscanning to know when something is up, and then GTFO before the gankers arrive and catch them.

Haulers need to be aware of how crowded the area is that they are going, and scout ahead if they are hauling enough to make them a target. Brining a friend/alt to scout/use the web trick/remote repair will, make it very difficult to catch a hauler if for some reason you can’t do the cloak/microwarp trick yourself.

It is already difficult to catch someone one grid, if the gankee is actively playing the game, and paying attention.

I believe the point of restricting Alphas from going red is to stop people from making a F2P account they can just suicide gank on until they’re -5, after which they just biomass the character and roll a new one.


Highly doubt that as well.

Nice try tho.

As far as I’m aware there were already rules against spurious biomassing just to create new chars.

Which is why it would be done on a disposable F2P account and not their main.

It would be a lot simpler just to prevent biomassing of -5 characters. They should have to raise status to some higher level before biomassing. As its 50m ISK or so for a clone tag that increases stat by just 0.5…that will involve expense. As it should.