Should life be harder for gankers?

so no LS char could ever be biomassed ? … sounds realy silly !

You can biomass it. Just pay the appropriate fee :slight_smile:


What is silly about it ? If you want to leave Eve, why would you even care that you’ve left some -5 character behind ? And why else would you want to biomass a -5 character other than to create a new one at 0.0 and avoid the penalty ?

its cheaper to push your sec status then biomass and create a fresh one ans take your time to skill this one char again to a good ganking char xD

results in → nobody ( with brain ) biomass their skilled ganking chars to crerate a new one because of the fresh sec status :stuck_out_tongue:

Then what’s the problem if nobody is doing it ? The original claim by Done25 was that people are biomassing ganker chars.

So do you take such words at face value?

obviously, this claim is wrong !

Nooo…there wasn’t a pop up window that gave me an option.

Believe it or not I don’t care, I have friends and meet players from around the world who know me.

Plus next month I’ll be at another meet here in the UK. Hotel and restaurant booked.

Feel free to join us on discord, some of CCP have and are going along as well.


I never actually said such, only that I imagine that being the reason why.


Okay. If you say so.

But I seriously doubt it.

Keep trying tho.

CCP makes more money when the game is boring.

No, don’t do it! He’s going to abuse you with his IRL PvP warrior skills.


In New Eden you cannot die because of cloning but your assets can be destroyed, so ganking is a bigger crime than murder and people who do it should become -10 security status instantly.

And what is with all the people working on your ship ? So … i dont think that destroying assets is worse then murdering ! And if you gank then you got punisjed by a sec status loss !

Tell us one good reason why ccp should do this ? Ganking isnt anything else then shooting ppl in low sec … the only difference is, that concord isnt in low sec so the attacker dont get punished by concord but still get punished by the police force on gates and stations ! And your sec status also got reduced !

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That would be great. My gank char is already -10, so I don’t care, but if you manage to trick a carebear into shooting you and CONCORDOKEN themselves, that would be hilarious if they instantly get -10

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Its hard to gank if you are -10 so all power to you. Please keep it at -10.

Ganked by accident is rare, i mean i doubt it has ever happened, but thumbs up for using the “think of the new people who might gank on accident” argument :smiley:

It’s not if you know how the game works

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So how does a gank work when you are -10

With the advent of AI, we can actually go beyond this fairly ineffective system, and make the game even more fair. It should now be possible to feed an AI some information about ganker habits, like they way they act, the skills they train, and what they say in chat, in order to predict that any character is planning to engage in ganking. Then the game can set them -10 preemptively so that they lose their exploitative “first strike” advantage.

You just can’t sit around in space with -10 and have to warp directly into the targets face. But the gank itself is not different, as CONCORD is faster than the faction police