Should life be harder for gankers?

What is the name of your ganking char? Curious what he has ganked

Wasn’t active in a while, but here take a look: Ima Wreckyou | Character | zKillboard

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I figured it was miners, because if you want to gank haulers its almost impossible if you are -10

What did you get out ganking miners btw?

Oh you totally can. I also participated in hauler ganks with this toon. We even ganked jump freighters in highsec as -10. It just takes a lot of people. Where fun evenings.

I think Safety. Alliance is still doing that.

They sometimes drop crazy stuff. I once got a Orca blueprint drop from a mining barge. Some also have faction modules, which are quite valuable. You can sell them to another miner and then track them down to get them back.

Also it’s a lot of fun. You never know what happens next if you dunk a miner

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I guess we both agree then that gankers should get instant -10

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BTW, it happened more than once that some miner tried to gank my scout/main (this char) as revenge for a gank. Imagine they get instant -10. That would completely ruin them lol

So you are in support?

The difference between an attempted gank and a successful gank is night and day. Attempted ganks probably shouldn’t give -10

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I’m not sure how good for the game that would be. Just because it would not affect me and be hilarious don’t necessarily mean it would be something worth changing.

But you seemed to argue it wouldn’t cause any harm but now you are concerned it might. Which is fine. Lets hear what the harm could be. Im not trying to put you on the spot i am genuinely curious :slight_smile:

Actually never mind. You are a known ganker and i dont want to talk with you unless you apologize for ganking.

Look, we have seen over the last couple posts that you have not the slightest idea about ganking and the game mechanics involved. Yet you fancy yourself fit to propose game mechanics changes to an aspect of the game you never even experienced.

Tell you what. Why don’t you try it yourself. Go out there and dunk like 20 miners, then come back and we will have a talk about how we could make the game better. Deal? :slight_smile:


Every single gank I ever executed was justified and in accordance to the Code, which is the law in Highsec. You may not like it, but everyone has to follow the law, they are there for a reason.

Why do you call it a ganking char then?

Because it ganks criminal miners

What makes a miner a criminal?

Not following the Code, as already mentioned

You are just making excuses for ganking. I will rest my case.

I’m proud to make Highsec a better place by removing the filth from the belts.