Should life be harder for gankers?

As Dchill has rested his case, the court has reached its verdict, deciding that Karak is correct and Dchill is a dunce.


Must be a lot of dunces here

I wonder if anyone at CCP will care about your poll?

Its player feedback so probably not

That is great. EVE needs a lot of dunces. They are like the content for rest of the players

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CCP should frame that and put it all over the HQ

“EVE Online is for dunces”

Yes. It should be harder for everyone in fact. Life is too easy in New Eden, party everyday, exotic dancers, Quafe intoxication, cross-dressing binges… It’s total decadence!

Man this thread makes me want to come back again and dunk some miners. I think I still have everything ready pretty much, only need to sell some stuff for the subs.

I think in a couple weeks the misses is away for some days, may want to get everything ready for some nostalgic miner dunk weekend.

I will forward you the fan mail @Dchill if I chose to do so, you also profit from it, after all this was basically your fault.

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Even if you consider the person you gank a dunce its no less of a crime

I agree. Them being a dunce doesn’t excuse them from following the law. They have to be purged regardless

You are just making excuses to gank innocent people

Nah, I would totally gank innocent people. It just happens that there are a lot of criminals in highsec and it just feels good to do the right thing and help make Highsec a better place for everyone.

CCP doesent know how to create content and it ends up with players just ganking each other

Yeah that is like the essence of the game if you did not figure that out by now.

If you want an MMO where the developer feeds you the content, try WOW. But this is a sandbox MMO where the players create and are the content

And the issue is not the CCP doesn’t know how to create content (which the clearly can’t, so thank the gods they don’t have to), but this just isn’t the game where this is even a thing

I propose that CCP make ganking part of the AIR Career program, and makes a in-game tutorial for how to do it. They should really try to expand this area of play and “get new people involved”. Because that’s how they ruined every other activity pretty much. Its like with every expansion they managed to chip away at what makes the game special leaving ganking as the remaining boss in this regard.

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Acquiring a mining permit from your local New Order Agent to legalize your Highsec activity should also be part of the new player tutorial. It is an essential part of becoming a well behaved and productive citizen under the Code.

I totally agree.
Ganking should be first and foremost in the Tutorial, the AIR Program and there should be a Ganking Agent.
Now, you can’t unlock skill for Cruisers or Haulers or any other ship class until you have successfully ganked at least one capsuleer and be CONCORDed once.
There is a timer that starts from the birth date of your character. 365 days is the limit to have a Home Station in Hisec. After that time you can’t dock anywhere in hisec. Missions are requested and accepted remotely from the ship’s computer. Payout is done in NPC station out of hisec.

If EvE is a PvP game, then make it truly PvP and end this nonsense of dividing the player base.
Every EvE player should have no other choice but to PvP.

Ingame proof that mining in HighSec can be in fact illegal (unless having a permit) and is subject to immediate punishment.


I think the case can be closed now.

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Ganking isnt that difficult. You simply use several ships to web the target as it approaches the gate. When Concord takes out the first ship, the second webber ship steps in and webs the target. While the first ship is webbing, a cheap frigate, the gankers undock, warp to another ship within range.

Gankers make the appearance of ganking more difficult just to say their style of play is elite.

All of that pulling Concord non-sense is just cheap shampoo and conditioner for ganking split ends.

After every sentence.

If you know EVE so well, how come you suck at fitting ships?