Should life be harder for gankers?

They’ll just ask the null lobbyists on what to do and their answer will be either “we don’t care so whatever” or “hey go do this, it’ll be great and totally not in favour of the major null blocks”.

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The game needs fewer boundaries and restrictions. Gankers have plenty of room to play but their victims do not.

Apart from weapons, high slot modules are remote reppers, salvage or tractor beam which is not useful when you try to fit against ganks. So most haulers dont use their high slots.

A team could be formed and tasked with designing a few high slot modules that allow haulers to escape in an emergency, providing the player use them correctly etc.? And/or high slot modules that mask or spoof cargo? :sunglasses:. The team could be codenamed CUTTLEFISH :squid:.

Cuttlefish are masters of illusion

Cuttlefish releasing ink

I will walk myself out.

Good luck with that. I am fairly certain they’ve already read it. I know I’ve already said it numerous times. The ability to aggress in highsec is constantly moved to a higher and higher perch as if on some level CCP wants to legitimize the position that aggression shouldn’t happen in highsec.

The best time to allow new players to aggress in highsec is /immediately/. If not then, then as close to that as you can get because any delay allows the victim mentality to set in. I don’t want to gank, and I don’t want to declare war. I was content to do PvE and let other players spice that up by being a pain in the neck. I may be the prey in this equation, but I’m not a victim. I am not helpless. I have options and strategies to handle adverse situations. CCP protection of players to today’s degree predisposes them to rely on CCP for protection instead of exploring those options or developing those strategies.

I don’t know that being able to present a threat makes a person more likely to consider how they might handle one, but it sure seems there is a correlation to me, and inviting people to grind in relative safety for an unspecified period of time until they can afford to do something else leads to an ever increasing player base that doesn’t want to do anything else. This, then, skews the ‘data’ more in their favor as the preference CCP encourages at the start of a player’s career naturally becomes a more sizable portion of the population, leading CCP to embrace it more and more over time.

Until CCP does a 180 and starts thinking of giving new players more ways to assert themselves instead of taking options away, I think this trend will continue.


You hit the nail right on the head there. Many simply end up being ‘miners’ not because that’s what they desperately joined the game to do…but via some bizarre osmosis in which that is the way everything flows. There’s simply not enough opportunity to be predator…so they drift into being prey. And the lack of predatory experience makes them more and more carebear with each passing day. I know from my own early experience that the ’ I’m just doing this until I can afford to do something else’ mentality sinks in…and remains even after one can afford to do something else.

And ironically, it was being ganked that broke me out of that vicious circle. Without that gank I’d have left the game from sheer boredom long ago…but the gank gave me the push I needed to start buying PvP ships and break out of endless mining.

That is why I think nerfing ganking is the worst thing CCP could possibly do. We don’t need less ganking…we need more ! It is an essential catalyst ( excuse the deliberate pun ) in the game.

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I’m not sure that CCP wants you in their game.

You don’t sound like a payer.

“on some level CCP wants to legitimize the position that aggression shouldn’t happen in highsec.”

That’s because it’s not supposed to. At least not without consequence.

If someone wants non-stop PvP? They can either sign up for Faction Warfare, make a Wardec, or move to Low/Null.

Imagine if burning down Jita was a daily thing. The the game’s economy would straight up die over night without people being able to pool and trade materials/ships for ease of commerce.

It doesn’t happen without consequence.

  • Faction Warfare is primarily a PvE feature

  • You can’t “make a wardec” because most groups are not eligible for wars, and the ones that are can easily bring a few hundred people to take down your war HQ within 24 hours

  • You can’t “move to low/null” because you won’t be able to reside there in a way that supports consistently seeking out PvP engagements, unless you join a group that’s already there, in which case once again you’ll primarily have access to PvE instead of PvP content, with the rare exception of large-scale organized fleet warfare; low-sec is irrelevant to the discussion because it’s largely devoid of activity aside from choke point gate camps

There’s no feature in the game that currently supports the capability to engage in “non-stop PvP” as you put it.

The economy would actually get a significant boost if that were to happen, as increased demand for goods and resources would act as a massive activity driver.


Have you even done faction warfare? Because the vast majority of people who do it, just farm the plexes and run the second someone shows up on their d-scanner. Then they spout off in local complaining how you’re messing up their LP/hour, and that you should go away, leave them in peace and do “real pvp” in null sec with all the 2.0 carebear krabbers.


Haha, isn’t it funny how all the people who want some specific PvP thing that personally affects them nerfed, try to provide all these supposed alternatives, but they have zero actual clue as to how viable they are because they have nonexistent knowledge of the game outside of their narrow, myopic focus on their own preferred activity bubble?

Many years ago I passed through a null-sec system, and some guy went off in local about “great, another twat shows up to waste my time.” Now, I was just passing through in a shuttle, but I asked “isn’t this the place where we’re supposed to go if we want to find PvP?” And he responded something along the lines of “if you want to just PvP all day stop being annoying and go to a wormhole.”

I wonder what the wormhole resident would’ve said? :thinking:


Nothing probably. They cloak up and watch you silently and carefully until you leave or they can kill you. :slight_smile:

Have you tried any of this yourself?


The Prophet fails to see how this makes sense. A criminal is too good at being a criminal, so it should stop them from being a criminal?

Please stop inhaling clone fluid as you sob in your pod.

The Prophet agrees. As long as every other lifestyle has to pay PLEX on top of the fees associated with New Eden to do activities within it. So ratting, mining, missioning, FWing and all of that.

Excellent idea!

Agreed as long as it is across the board and skill loss is for all lifestyles.

Yea. I was in Provi. Eventually gave up and moved out because I, as part of a small corp, was tired of having to avoid 20+ man neut gangs rolling through on a daily basis.

Literally this. Tried to do some WH combat stuff with a friend. We got jumped by a Maruader and various tackle ships plus a warp interdiction bubble.

Thankfully, I had managed to jump my ship away before they landed, but he was less lucky. He did manage to wreck and pod one, but the Marauder was killing each of his Harbingers within three or so salvos.

Perhaps I am incorrect, but my understanding is that anyone in an “enemy” faction can be freely killed without security loss or CONCORD intervention. Even if this takes place in a 1.0 sec system.

Is that not how FW works? (I don’t mean just the FW battle areas.)

Yeah. I was also in Provi briefly. We gave up and moved out because it was clear there was a growing cancer in the coalition of players who didn’t want to turn up to fights or form impromptu friends within the coalition to fight off small gangs that showed up. So many people were of the “no PvP, only mining / ratting” mindset that they started complaining about 20+ man neut gangs rolling through and no amount of encouragement could get them to fleet up and join pushing those people out. Because their “ISK/hr” was going down.

So it’s no surprise to see Catch/Provi fragmented as it is today.

(Note: The small corps I met that did fight back and form up to push people out of pockets and the like, succeeded and also moved on from Provi).

In theory.

Good luck finding someone to fight there, the Faction Navy is chasing them so they’re going to be fit for very specific activities (shooting WT haulers) and not “the REAL PvP”.


Yeah. I was also in Provi briefly. We gave up and moved out because it was clear there was a growing cancer in the coalition of players who didn’t want to turn up to fights or form impromptu friends within the coalition to fight off small gangs that showed up

My problem is that people would bring in T3 cruisers and just…sit there in cloak. Literally for hours and days on end. Waiting for anyone to try and mine or rat. If someone did? They’d get scanned down and jumped. If we formed up? Cyno in all his buddies.

It was incredibly oppressive, and actually what lead to me leaving the region.

Good luck finding someone to fight there, the Faction Navy is chasing them so they’re going to be fit for very specific activities (shooting WT haulers) and not “the REAL PvP”.

I’ve seen a few FW flashies here and there as I travel around. Especially if it’s in the space of a neutral empire. (That being said, I have no interest in pitting my Stratios against a Kronos. 60 days of training before I’m allowed to fly a Marauder of my own…)

You have tools like:

  • Mobile observatory (new!)
  • Cyno jammer
  • Big bait Orca
  • Friends in your coalition with blops and HAW dreads and FAX umbrella from Y-MP keepstar

What you’re dealing with is just “normal” nullsec life when you have a reputation for being easy pickings. You have to shed that reputation.

Sure. Let me know how often you regularly get fights this way. I’m guessing it is zero but could be higher “if only”. (It’s always “if only…”)

Carebear land with carebear rules.