Should life be harder for gankers?

I’m also curious how that’d be implemented. Like would CONCORD just automatically aggro on you if entered highsec? Or would you just get kicked from the character? Because I’d imagine both would be insanely annoying, even by ganker standards.

Nice try.

You’re not fooling anyone here.

Well, maybe yourself.

Well for starters, a known ganker who constantly maintains a -10 status via ganking in HS, should be tagged by CONCORD.

After, lets say 100 ganks in HS, the ganker gets tagged by CONCORD and is not allowed to gank until the ganker raises their sec status to at least 1.0 via ratting belts or paying PLEX. The tags for sec status increase needs removed.

When the ganker pays with PLEX, the ganker is helping keep the storyline of CONCORD in order by paying the corrupt CONCORD bribes.

I guess I don’t understand what this change is trying to accomplish. Are you trying to cut down on the number of rats in belts, increase the demand for plex and raise its price, just add another hoop for suicide gankers to jump through? What is the problem that this is meant to solve?

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It’s that. It’s always that.

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Cry more whinebear.

The elephant in the room is that all the other content is boring which is why ganking is such a big thing


A severe mental debilitation.

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I’m here to project positive energy into this thread.

Throws in some negative energy…


My suggestion. Make it so dying to concord takes and sp loss. Like how dying used to be a long time ago :slightly_smiling_face: wouldn’t stop ganking but would heavily incentivize people to stop doing it.

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Why would you want that? You said yourself it isn’t a problem for your corp or anyone who learns? Why this constant need to protect those who refuse to protect themselves?


Players, and CCP, need to stop dealing with issues by thinking up ways to stop players from playing a certain way. CCP’s already stopped so many playstyles that the game’s a shadow of its’ former self.

It would be more interesting to add things to the game, more things to do, more ways to interact, than to keep chopping parts of the game off until it fits someone’s Procrustean notions of a good game.

Ganking may not be healthy for the game, simply because one ganker can gank hundreds or thousands of targets, and the end math may reveal that every active ganker drives several players away from the game. OR it might turn out that ganking is part of what gives EVE it’s unique risk profile and edgy feeling, and is one of the few reasons people stick around.

Only CCP could make that determination and they’ve sorta gone both ways on it. Until they figure out how to interpret their own data, it’s way better to think of new things to add to the game that keeps up the edge, adds more activity, and entices more players. We’ve had enough playstyle-stomping, let’s see some creating.


Or some type of side effect from ganking that effects the accuracy for a time period like the time effect of a drug. Ie the drug of euphoria.

I agree with Destiny that it is boring because CCP have made wardecs beyond the range of most players. These days a small corp wanting to wardec might as well just hand their quantum core over to the opposition and be done with it.

And note. CCP made those changes to prevent small corps or single players being ‘bullied’…but all they’ve actually done is made it harder for small corps to engage at all. Every single nerf to people’s ability to engage in combat makes the game more boring.



@CCP_Swift someone at CCP should read that

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Please don’t give CCP any more ideas. I’m genuinely concerned that if they remember that wars exist, they’ll set aside some development time to eviscerate anyone who isn’t affiliated with GM-connected BLACKFLAG even further. The last thing I want is for them to go back to that system they had some years ago where war fees scaled up if you were a smaller group declaring on a larger one, or limiting corporate wars to 3 while giving alliances an infinite ceiling.

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This is a fabulous idea.

It would drive up SP injector prices so the noobs can’t afford it and incentivize them to buy plex, keeping CCP in the black, and operating!

You clearly missed the part about me being against skill injection and thinking it should be removed from the game

If you recall, I don’t follow you closely enough to know that. I shouldn’t have to remind you, despite what your parents told you growing up, but you’re not the center of the universe.

Regardless of your feelings about skill injectors, it’s still a fabulous idea, and a way ramping up plex sales to convert to SP.

So I fully support it!