Should life be harder for gankers?

Sure after you princess

I care what people think.

Since you don’t care, why are you here?

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Don’t need to care what people think to enjoy a forum thread :slightly_smiling_face:

So you are a troll?

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I think we both know you’re the troll here :slightly_smiling_face:

I think we both know people here like me, and agree with me, but not you.

And? I can scroll through a few threads here and point out plenty of troll comments from you. Not saying I haven’t trolled a time or two but it’s not a majority of my comments unlike you. People liking you or not doesn’t change that.

I like Aiko!

:dog: :heart: :princess:


For someone who doesn’t care what other people think, you seem awfully invested in responding to us. Perhaps you are not honest with yourself? I think you care, but you are salty that people disagree, so you try to pretend you don’t care.

You aren’t fooling anyone RGC.


As previously stated me being bored enough or interested enough to reply to a thread doesn’t mean I care what people think. But you are clearly just trolling now so no point in it anymore. Your problem is always needing to have the last word :slightly_smiling_face: unless you prove me wrong here.

Ah, but it does.

You are just in denial.


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Honestly only reason I’m even still going is because I said I would stop after you did and it’s mildly amusing how you yourself refuse to stop yet you ask other to

Do you care if I stop?

Ehh not really but I suppose it would be weird if I was talking to myself?

You kinda are…

Shhh we can’t give away that you’re an rgc alt


There should be a limit of how many times a ganker is able to gank. After the limit of ganking had been reached, CONCORD would only allow gankers to warp to a gate and leave before being scoomed.

Gankers shouldnt be allowed to maintain a -10 status and still gank.

Why not? Just because?

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Why? In what way would that improve the game?