Should life be harder for gankers?

Might be my opinion getting there then. My apologies if it’s possible that my bias got in the way

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Oh good, I fully intended to be disrespectful toward both the ganker and the gankee. In my time courting the EVE community I’ve learned that disrespect should be applied broadly, else people will assume you’re taking a side.

You are courting us??

It’s practically a necessity if you want to stick around here any length of time. Say one wrong thing and the whole place is aflame.

Calm down miner.

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It took you like a day after reading the first reply to come up with that?

I’m trying to be polite, hun.

Well I’m sorry but I don’t think you’re cut out for it. In fact, you’re one of the people I learned to apply disrespect broadly from. Not just you, to be fair, but credit where credit’s due.

I’m the best.

As my teacher on Amarr once put it, honor is for the dojo.

Once you undock, you leave that space and enter into a realm where the only rule is most everyone is likely trying to kill you.

Again, it seems like you cannot handle life in New Eden. That’s perfectly fine.

I suggest a quick biomass and uploading your consciousness to Stardew Valley.


Could I be the NPC?

/See the other day I had received an evemail that triggered an uprising to break the very nature of one lonely Princess.

Could that evemail had just been the bait and that @Sargon_Of_Amerish is too afraid to act out on the contents of the evemail?

Like you?

Still waiting for your reply to this:

Oh I’m sorry I figured I’ve explained this before but I guess I’ll explain it again. I don’t care what anyone thinks. I also am not required to explain myself to anyone let alone the likes of you. If you care enough about what I’m doing keep following my story as closely as you are and I’m sure you’ll figure it out. But honestly you’re starting to look like a fan so you should prob take a few steps back. :kissing_heart:

You don’t seem like a good forum community member.

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Well, that’s not toxic…

If I was following your story so closely, then I wouldn’t have to ask you because I would know. But I don’t.

Apparently logic isn’t your strong suite. And it appears that you think everyone does or should follow your story closely, because if they don’t, you get toxic with them. That’s called narcissism.

So my prediction was correct. Your experience is only valuable in this fantasy world of your creation. Just not in reality.

Thanks for making that clear!


Oh goodie…

As I’ve stated several times I do not want nor care if people follow my story so that’s actually incorrect. You on the other hand have gone out of your way on several occasions continually asking information about me and or why/what I’m doing showing you clearly care in some capacity or another. Even going as far as pulling some comment from a completely different thread because you didn’t get answers in that one. If I cared and felt it was so important as you claim I would be spouting it at the top of my lungs but I don’t so I won’t. You know what they say about howler monkeys? The one who shouts the loudest and all that. That’s you right now. So maybe step back a little and focus on yourself?

Once. Once buddy. Clearly counting isn’t your strong suit either.

Simply because you have no answer to give. You keep claiming that you’re some uber guru and that we should all be falling at your feet to hear your wisdom. But when anyone holds your feet to the fire you deflect with:

It’s a convenient little cop-out. And you know it. Because you have absolutely nothing of value to share with anyone. And it makes your hackles bristle every time someone shines a light on it.

The only person here who’s been howing, is you. You’ve been doing it for years, complaining about play styles that you don’t agree with, or like.

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So are you ever going to shut up, or just keep saying that endlessly?

Firstly I am definitely not some magic guru expecting people to come to me for everything. I have answers to things I care about sure but who I share my knowledge with is limited. I do not want or need people “falling at my feet to hear my wisdom.” You have a horrible habit of putting words in people’s mouths. Me not being willing to speak to you on what I do or do not do/know is not the same as me not having an answer. You are not worth my time or knowledge simply put and I am not required to do so.

Seems you yourself are guilty of what you accuse people of. finding people of differing play styles that you don’t agree with and painting a picture of them in your own way to make them look as bad as you can in hopes that everyone else will think the same or see them your way.