Should the Game consider Tourists?

Not only can the game survive this way it has survived this way. EVE’s best success was in an era when it was even less friendly to new players.


eve is a hardcore game
there is thousands of easy games
they are suited to a casual audience
there is a few games like eve
leave my game alone


People have been making these intellectually lazy “Eve is dying and only my idea can save it!” badposts since the dawn of time, and your idea is worse than most.

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My maat, more than anything CCP has been actively adding content to force more PVP and confrontation. Making EVE safer is what started it to stagnate in first place.

Asking for that ability you at the same time need to remove that person from being able to benefit from anything eve has to offer. Also make sure he cannot impact other players in anyway. Making him a tourist and not allowing him to move outside a certain part of space.

EVE is an intense game for sure. But you need to pace yourself. Going into lowsec or null early without knowledge and backup as i see in your losses. You are asking, begging to be killed.

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And how would you propose mitigating it ?

There isnt much to discover. Peeps use other services.

I was there. It was tough but the numbers were low so one could keep in touch. The game was FREE to play and was exciting and full of lively chat at all times. Graphics etc were not great but we did not care as we were playing a good game if you did not mind being ganked by your own corp members every day. I remember my first day: I am Caldari so I was somewhere in their space and decided to ‘go see the world’. We all used auto Warp To bookmarks (as recommended) so we could go make lunch while flying around from A to B.
Anyway, my first jump from a high to Low sec system saw me destroyed by a single shot - wrecked! They then tried to blackmail me into paying for my pod - I had not a cent so I went to the icy moors of outer space. I objected to such unnecessary behaviour and that was a laugh a minute! Some “Hags” group camped there and killed anybody coming through unless they (the Hags) were at tea.
I lie not: every single experience I have had moving from Hi to Lo has seen me podded. Result is I don’t go there anymore. Lack of experience/knowledge - undoubtedly. Do I care -not at all. Don’t need the shite.
I thought, obviously wrong, that a more welcoming experience might encourage a free’r attitude but things are still the same and fewer paying players will play and more Alts will take the hits - but, they are free and just as good as a tourist.

Hmm, have you found any?

Yes. But there isnt much and most of it is low effort, low quality, or just spaceships with docking ports.

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I do a ton of mining in the HEK/ERAM fields and the graphics are pretty good. You can mine there for years and not ‘see’ anything until you dot the i’s etc… Interesting take on the triple breasted whore from the HH2TG.
Have a look and see if you can see her. Follow the phalli.

pick a cheap ass frig with a probe scanner and run around
no one will want to kill you
i ignore magnates and herons all the time

btw for more classy tourists

Tourists are not untouchable! They have a NEGOTIABLE timer that, if it runs out, makes them fair game for the player. I assumed that they would run - I would!

Thanks again. I reckon, if your opinion is correct, that plenty of Tourists will not accept that role anyway and will revoke their status almost immediately. Personally I would like to go and see NULL space (care free) to get the feel of it. Feels good - well don’t remain a Tourist - be a Player. Talk with players in the region, make connections you might never ever make. See for yourself.
That’s what being a Tourist means.

I can understand your fear of low/null.

Of course you did! Artillery Thrashers and Tornadoes are a thing.

Yes, gatecamps suck.
Yes, getting killed in your mining ship sucks.
Yes, in low/null you need to be constantly spamming the dScan key.

But that said, low/null is a very very fun and rewarding experience.

You probably got dunked in Tama, the lowsec system closest to the great trade hub Jita. This is literally the most dangerous system in the entire game. Get yourself a T2-fit T1 frigate or travel Interceptor and fly on down to the Minmatar/Amarr faction warfare region (The Bleak Lands, Domain, Metropolis) or the Brave Newbies nullsec. Your 7B worth of ISK will be very good for learning to live in dangerous space.

People exist who give out free ships to explore null in. They teach you the aspects of the game like Bubbles, bookmarks, and tactics. Join fleets, mine in a Venture, and generally enjoy yourself. Just make sure to use the map and find out what systems have the least activity and avoid them.

(Or pay me to be your scout :wink:)

o7, EVE-mail Flara Pediati in game if you are interested.

Hold on!

You have killed someone in lowsec before!

That Onyx!


lol, wut? Eve tourists don’t log in - they watch twitch.


Have you played No Man’s Sky ?

Forget that - lucid dreaming is the trip he is looking for.

besides null its full of bees
bzzzzz bzzz bzzzz