Siege Green - Manufacturing and Ship Blueprint Updates

Yep right now I’m scrambling to sell everything off before I lose everything I’ve worked on in the last year. Thx CCP :slight_smile:


overall the indy side of the changes looks ok from the PI side the, fewer parts using gas help but still feels like it will be a chokepoint a bit less null gas but the numbers for wormhole gas look the same. overall you might want to consider making the clouds bigger spawn more often in more areas etc to make it a bit easier to farm the gas overall least the PI side is fixed a bit. but this does little to reduce the logistics needed, we still need to haul/find gas (null & wh), import minerals such as trit, etc, still got to do some pi, mine moons, mine belts, mine ice. this dose reduces maybe 20-25% of the m3 needed at a quick glance. but still have a long way to go when you consider all reactions need fuel blocks (pi) etc if you’re looking at an of or any cap parts for that matter.

Generally good changes bringing the cost of dreads in particular down through changing their industry requirements. That’s how it should work, changing the market through the build/loot drop end, not trying to hammer it back down on the other side, or nerf the ship into oblivion. For most cases.

I would encourage you, CCP, to not overly homogenize. So many of the numbers look pretty much the same now, where ‘as was’ this ship might take a dozen shield emitters and 5 armor plates, and that one over there the opposite, because the first one was a chimera and the second a thanatos. Please don’t strip ships/races/etc of their character by just slapping ‘4’ in all the boxes across the row.

That being said, yes, these look like they’re heading in the right direction, proliferating some faction specific components across all ships, etc. Hopefully we’ll see a bit more of that. It’s never made sense to me why every ship in eve is pretty much made with the same pile of 7 or 8 minerals until you get to T2 then other faction specific materials matter. I’ll pick a fight with you on another day as to why you have ships made entirely out of capital parts listed as subcapital ships.

If anyone invested building capitals (ohter than dreads and freighters) in the last year, it was in no way, shape or form having anything to do with making money off them. stop worrying about theoretical problems that don’t exist.


Well said

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So now a mobile depot can outlast an Astrahus?!?!?!?


Everyone you promise left, don’t worry. better replacements will come in to do it for them.

No they won’t. This is the fallacy CCP believes, too. They think they can make Eve into a Star Citizen because no one on that dev team understands Eve. Even the people who were once players played such a niche version of the game they don’t get the rest of it. Eve can’t compete on graphics, can’t compete on gameplay, can’t compete on appeal, and can’t compete on pay off. Eve can only compete on a unique, challenging experience not offered by other games out there, and what was once one of the most fanatically loyal fanbases most other games only had wet dreams about having.

Even as these changes move back in the right direction, CCP takes from the playerbase by nerfing structures into the ground. As long as CCP keeps giving with one hand and backhanding with the other, this playerbase won’t recover, and Eve will continue to crumble because all the ‘new players’ coming in want instant gratification games. Eve isn’t and can’t ever be that.


You basically have to log in every single day to not miss an attack… and even then… less than 48 hours for defense formation in a wormhole? why do you hate small groups so much…


It frightens me that a CSM representative will respond in such a manner to a legitimate question.


This seems like it will just create new problems.

Most of the cap expense issue comes from the new parts, chief among them the capital core temperature regulator.

The old capital parts are totally trivial to make now. They are an almost irrelevant part of the build, why mess with them and further hurt the price of minerals, which are all just about entirely worthless?

The capital core temp regulator had two issues - its expense and its size. Its expense was addressed by input material reduction, I would say much too far, but its size was not.

You will kill the re-emerging gas market with the level of material requirement reductions of gas to this degree, Just like Moon good, ore. mercoxit and ice have all been killed. Don’t know why you wouldn’t have just left them alone for a few months to allow the realities of gas compression adjust the gas market.

The auto-integrity preservation seals and life support backup units were the least problematic items to produce and least problematic to move of the new parts, why did those have their material requirements reduced by 67% and their volume also reduced, but not the volume of the core temperature regulators?

This really seems like this is the final item in undoing all the fixes of abundance that were done over the last 2 years - but now with the greatest over supply of all resource types in the game’s history and the subcap changes swinging way in the other direction of becoming a bigger problem than rorquals ever were


I am doing it for you.

Fairly amusing you referring to eve not being an instant gratification came, but want the instant gratification days of the abundance error to come back.

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I did not say that in any capacity. Faction BS SHOULD cost 1.3B for the hull. A fully fit dread(cheap) SHOULD cost 3.5/4B, where a well fit one should be 6 or 7. Rorqual hoover vacuums really messed the game up. But the counterswing of the pendulum, and the pendulum DOES always swing back, was way, way too brutal for way, way too long, and across entirely too many facets, trampling on almost every core principle that made up Eve.

Or else continuing to entirely neglect entire areas of the game for years on end.

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I am happy to see these changes, but I found that 200 capital drone bays are required for building a titan.
I don’t understand why, as Titans cannot use drones except Komodo.
Is this a Type error or a purposed change?

That wasn’t even a question, lol.

that is your big comeback? avoid the point? ok bruh it was not a question it was a legitimate concern… is that better?


It’s neither, nor does it dignify a response beyond laughter.

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yeah didn’t expect much else from you anyway… and you call yourself player base representative… what a shame… CSM is a joke!


Really? It ‘frightens’ you? That some random player with a poor understanding of game mechanics and a clear agenda makes baseless comments on the internet and then another person who is kind of associated with the game company but not really says ‘lol’? I guess that could be scary.


Don’t worry we know more game mechanics than some of these representatives have ever imagined… we are not blind as you think…

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