Siege Green - Manufacturing and Ship Blueprint Updates

If you honestly think the company cares one way or the other which side wins a nullsec war, you’re delusional. And if you think that the company could get away with putting their thumbs on the scales when two of the leaders of the other team are sitting on the CSM, you’re beyond delusional. Feel free to ask Vily, CCP’s greatest defender, if he thinks they cost him the war.

People have been begging for years for both of these sets of changes, which is why the vast majority of players (outside wormholes) are pleased with the changes and saying so.

So do us all a favor and stop with the nonsense.


Too many coincidences to be non-sense bruh… and please don’t teach me what to think… I have enough of this from the TV…


what I really want to know… Is how much real money you null whales have put into this game… that might explain some things…

Im no expert but a short timer in wormhole space is prob going to kill a lot of smal corps. Null yeah cool wh nope


if there is only one reinforcement for the medium sized structures. we need to get the vulnerable timer back for the shield. Or it will be too easy to attack.


How much is your monthly expenses on tinfoil from Costco bruv?

And maybe that means WH space is changing? Maybe you don’t live there no more, but simply day trip, fleet trip. They already buffed WH space a bit recently.

We are playing an MMO. Sometimes, you gotta play with others. EVE solo is on hard mode, and I’ve been solo ever since coming back. You get freedom, but it also limits you LOL.

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bruh you have the right to an opinion… i do too… just because you think it is crazy… it doesn’t mean it is not legitimate… stop bullying people who have other world views…


are small groups of 4-5 people considered solo now?

Bro if you consider this bullying, well, I’m not certain you’ve ever really been bullied :smiley: But I see you shine that victim card up nice and bright huh?

Its ok bro, I’m sure your “world view” involves an ice wall and adrenochrome amirite? ROFL.

If they coming up against a corp of 50 or more? Damn right LOL.

Welcome to MMOs :smiley:

You really don’t know what game you’re playing huh? I suggest transferring over to Stardew. It seems more your speed.

The wording I used could have been more clear so I’ll reword it.

Large groups that are already more powerful are getting a small nerf to their structures but small groups are getting larger nerfs so relatively speaking CCP just made it easier for large groups to eliminate small competitors and relaitively speaking small groups will find it even harder to combat larger groups.

In short, the little guys are screwed by these changes.

Over the years CCP has continued to place their hand one the wrong side of the scale, giving established powerblocks ever easier paths to success and making it harder and harder for any new groups to gain the financial might to compete with those powerblocks. The inevitable result will be that one alliance will eventually own all of EVE, those headline grabbing nullsec battles will end, and all players, developers and even the owners of the EVE franchise will suffer for it.


Since BOB was destroyed, no nullsec alliiance has had this goal, nor will they. Nobody wants to control the entire game. That’s pointless.

One group already pretty much does own all of Eve, or at least can operate near enough with impunity. The last nearing enough to two years we watched as every other major power bloc tried to destroy that one group and, whatever arguments for their own incompetence aside, they failed. Many of them shattering their own alliances in the attempt. The low sec groups can’t do it either anymore. Too many of them have died off, or been consolidated down too much. If the Imperium were to invade low sec right now, I’m reasonably certain they’d win this time.

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In life, someone always wants it all!

To believe otherwise is to reject all of human history to the contrary.

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it is not about control… is about making life easier for themselves and harder for everyone else…

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Can you watch about Isogen? Its share is terrible in all of BP.

Not a fan of these changes.

Dreadnoughts, in particular, will see their costs become significantly cheaper, giving you more chances to use them in space without as much impact on your wallet.
Some sources of material are restricted.
The whole of New Eden produces materials that can make 20 Dreadnoughts per day.
are you kidding me?


If the cost of manufacturing is still higher than the cost of the ships currently on the market, there will be no point


The update on the structures is not quite what I had hoped for. For example, I had hoped for a limit on the number of structures per system or that in null and/or low loot would also be dropped from the structures (even if it is max or “only” 50% as with normal kill mails).

To the WH-Space (@CCP_Paragon @CCP_Aurora):
As others have already said, this update in its form is a huge advantage for the attackers, who are already rewarded for all loot in the WH anyway, since there is no asset safety. A timer and 1.5 days preparation time is not much, even more so when this is inconvenient due to the ± 3 hour rule. Most of the Eve players have family, work, other hobbies/commitments, in short a real life. For this reason, the complete time advantage lies with the attackers who can plan accordingly.

My suggestion (if you want to keep the one timer in WH): Increase the time for the armor timer that decides everything to at least 3 to max 5 days in the WH.


So after consideration and sleeping on it heres the further changes and issues that are needed and or created.

The structure mechanics screw over smaller groups with no keep star And will make WH structure pretty undefendable for many. They need review asap and CSM who are clearly not representative of smaller groups and newer players should have limited input.

The manufacturing changes while hitting the nice cost level are not removing the obstacles to manufacturing added from the reaction stuff. This is more of an issue than price. These components need to be minimal and most of the cost should be on standard components. No one is complaining about capital price increases with inflation to stop 40b titan proliferation. But the extra manufacturing logistics is just taking the p for anyone trying to have a Real life and build crap in EVE.