agreed - that wouldn’t be a bad thing at all…
reading through all the posts (rather slowly I might add) I found this and it really hits the nail right on the head - that is part of what i was getting at - for instance the amount of ISK that needs to be invested to get an Azbel running efficiently is enormous (well for the little guy that is - and believe it or not there are quite a few of us) when looking at cores, rigs, modules, etc - it’s a total rip-off unless you manage to keep the structure long enough to at least break even, dare i say make some ISK - and don’t for get the cost of fuel either…
No, you refuse to read what I write. You are blatantly ignoring what I have said. Once you actually provide a counter argument as to why it isn’t a good idea to constantly deploy structures in a region where they are consistently being blown up, then we can continue our debate. The only reason that this is “good” is if you are deliberately dropping all these structures to generate content in the way of structure bashes/defenses. Which I guess some groups might find fun, especially now since there will only be the 1 timer.
I read what you wrote, you seemed to be going hard on HTFU type posting, because why not?
Using and defending ones space, fighting for it in depth with an extended defence, space that is not right next to hisec or has NPC stations. What it has proved is that you really have not thought this through, like CCP.
These changes have made it so medium structures are useless throw away structures, and you agree with me:
And that is the issue, it has been made too easy for big bloc’s.
Thanks for appearing to get it.
This is objectively False. A lot of the other guys in here that are trying to argue against this change fail to realize that the formula should also include lobbying and the role of the CSM. The type that gives zero sh*ts about you or your playstyle or how these changes will affect the game as a whole.
I.e. another way to win the game is to pressure the referee to change the rules to accommodate you.
My grandfather used to say ‘Let them graze grass’.
@CCP_Aurora and @CCP_Masterplan still haven’t replied why the POSes are more powerful than a citadel and that speaks volumes. Neither I saw somewhere mentioned how deploying a fort (which you have to drop with an orca) would work in a C1, but anyhow… logic here doesn’t matter.
Have you considered the following, because it doesn’t sound to me like you have taken the feedback seriously or thought it through (fully):
In the current system with three timers, both attackers and defenders have equal chances, at least as far as information about the other side is concerned.
From past experience (in WH-Space), it has been the case that the shield timer was attacked when there was little or none of the defenders. This means that in the worst case the defenders know nothing about the attackers (no fleet composition, number of pilots etc.).
In the second timer, the attackers had to show themselves and the defender could use the information gained there in the third timer.
Now you remove this important timer for gaining information, which means that the information advantage of the aggressors is and remains greater. In addition, you have further nerfed the structures and altogether there are 0.5 days less available for the defenders (even with the new timers).
While I can understand you wanting more structures to be destroyed, with the changes I suspect the WH space will become even less busy. Also, frustrated people who have lost everything because there is no Asset Safety will leave the game. Is that your goal?
Well, here’s one you might not understand particularly well. Narrative obligation, in some respects, for RP groups, citadels(or other structures, not exclusively upwells) represent a certain amount of commitment to a given locality. And in turn they also can generate some content, before they get inevitably rolled.
Some groups are committed to making one area of space work, even under the constant threat of medium or large powers sweeping in every other month to kick there teeth in(and the reason its every other month and not every week is usually due to the existing timer cycles and them burning down other timers in nearby regions).
These are just two sets of reasonings that can be applied Pixy, there are many others, and also many subvariations of the above.
Simple! (The answer, I mean, not actually executing it…)
Step 1: Put up a Raitaru in the C1
Step 2: Build an Orca in the Raitaru
Step 3: Build a Fortizar in the Raitaru.
Step 4: Anchor Fortizar
Step 5: Begin building carriers in the Fort. >.>
So the C1 would require what is a higher bar of entry than the rest - you will have to not simply drop a fort but defend a rait/astra (lesser combat capabilities than a fort) for 2 weeks prior.
I had a neighbor with schizophrenia and he said he saw people running (jogging), the people were running fast and deers also run fast thus the people were deers. He was afraid of the deer people and put bear traps in front of his doors to protect himself. Traps are used by bear hunters and bears are also animals like deers… you get the picture.
So, for one, because ‘is it worth it?’
Let’s say PNS has 2 Astra in Syndicate, and some null bloc wants to control the region—whch they do, from time to time, and let’s face it, whenever Shutupandshave is playing EVE, he’s going to have Black Omega trying to control ‘his’ parts of Syndicate no matter which group they’re in. Boy’s got a hardon for those particular moons.
So, let’s say you lose those every 5d. 24h to anchor, 5 minutes to RF, 3.5+ timer to wait and kill the armor. PNS is now replacing 18b a month that you get… no real utility out of.
So why is it a good idea to spend that money and get nothing in return?
And, for two… how about ‘you can’t’? Basically, only Horde will be able to defend their medium structures in Poch if they decide to clear everyone else’s.
Basically, yes. So get to it now before the changes happen.
such game design much wow
I don’t know who the hell you are, but you sound loads more qualified to be on csm than brisc does.
I’m an arrogant, pedantic, often foul-mouthed jerk is who I am. And if you don’t believe me, ask basically anyone who’s flown with me or is part of the RP community.
Brisc has spent his time on the CSM working toward the betterment of the game, and trying to listen to as wide a variety of opinions as he can. He’s made a career of listening, and working as an advocate for people even when he personally disagrees with them. He is eminently qualified for CSM, if he’s foolish enough to run again.
I, on the other hand, am definitely not that foolish. It’s a thankless position that sees you attacked by the people on whose behalf you’re trying to advocate, with hours upon hours of time spent each and every week. The people you’re talking to in the company largely ignore you, when they’re not trotting you out as a target dummy and letting you facetank the community’s anger at their actions. And for all this, you get… $300 US over the full year, as of May 17—literally not even half a day’s pay for someone like Brisc.
Brisc’s a politician and an advocate—both as a lobbyist and just as a lawyer, he likes to work on behalf of others, even (maybe especially?) when he’s tilting at windmills in a lost cause. Me, I like to solve problems, and while I’ve often felt the desire to throw my hat in the ring for the CSM, I’ve seen what it’s done to folks like Jin’taan, and Brisc, and I know that the sheer structural failure that CCP’s built into all aspects of it would drive me insane. And vice-versa, I suspect.
The CSM is definitely not worthless, and to my knowledge, it’s helped us all avoid even worse moves from CCP over the years, but the developers (not all, mind, some do listen) need to get their heads out of their butts and listen to what the CSM tells them as a whole, and stop deciding that the moment they get a single voice willing to give them the validation they so abjectly crave that that means their predetermined course of action is exactly the mostest perfectest thing EVAR.
It takes a special kind of masochist to do the job, over and above any altruistic dreams. As Brisc’s rightfully called me on more than once, when I get my teeth into something, I get… incredibly combative and arrogant to the point where I can come across as condescending. I don’t think I’d be at all effective as a CSM. Brisc is. He’s got the right temperament for it, and he’s incredibly qualified, too.
That doesn’t mean he’s perfect, and it doesn’t mean he doesn’t have blind spots, especially where his opinion is informed by his own direct experiences and long-standing frustrations. But that’s all I believe this is: a blind spot.
Edit: I’m also a verbose mo’fo.
I admit I know next to nothing about csm or the members, and I don’t want to imply Brisc hasn’t done his job on the csm. It’s just in this particular case he is coming off as extremely callous and uncaring.
Hi, Brisc to me is the best CSM, because he interacts way more than anyone else on the Eve forums, and he does try to listen and understand. On this subject this is so important and in my opinion spot on from Arrendis:
He is close to the two main Initiative FC’s if my understanding is correct, and I think this is part of why he is not budging, and I understand it having been in a decent sized alliance and seen at least part of the issues.
Note that he liked the fuel bay idea.
The issue is CCP here.
This TBH, despite butting heads pretty bad and answering Brisc with better treatment then when he initially engaged with a post of mine and getting shut down for it
And I’m pretty sure Arrendis and CCP would cause an explosion of some form by too much concentrated proximity with what the CSMs role is in practice
Brisc seems to at least be trying to do the job here, even if he seems unable to recognize or unwilling to publicly acknowledge the validity of some other points, or accuses others of doing things he himself did earlier in the conversation to use it to end one
I was talking to a high sec player who was complaining specifically about the high sec timer.
If you’re going to give me a hard time, at least read first.
You are correct. I apologize. Comment removed. I will over time adapt and change to the ever-changing world that is eve. This is just one of the big sweeping changes made to help those already holding all the cards. The Big Corps that are tired of making a 3rd trip to destroy the station only helps them. Dropping the third timer helps no one else in the game. Definitely not the defender. I could care less about the change to the structure strength and believe that the shield cap removal finally gives a reason to undock a dreadnaught which is a good thing. Now my structure will die while giving large condor groups a change to get a Dreadnaught kill. That is exciting.
But don’t take the timer. For all the reasons that have been stated above. Intelligence needed of who is attacking, time to evacuate, and just a deterrent to make sure they really want to attack the station. Attacking a station should be a time commitment.
As callous and uncaring as the other CSM members that are simply not here participating in the discussion? As callous and uncaring as CCP who are the ones making the change and also not participating in the discussion?