Siege Green - Structure Updates Now Avaialble for Testing

You’d think cheaper, easier to build dreads would somehow help in this problem, but what do I know.

You really should check the rest of the thread. I’m pretty solidly on-record as being against these changes. And we’ve been hit with the nerfbat more times over the last 10 years than you appear to be aware. When the changes have been things that were a necessary evil in the big picture, I supported them. When they were just more tedium and crap that wouldn’t help any, I opposed them.

If you don’t like being told to educate yourself when you parrot blatantly stupid crap like the ‘blue donut’ nonsense… maybe try not parroting stupid crap.


I read the entire thread yesterday. I’m on your side actually. No clue why you went ape-■■■■ on me.

If you want to parse stupid crap, mine doesn’t count or even move the ticker here. Parse the ridiculous dev post nonsense about balance and ecosystem, and quit wasting your time on me. What i said was no less generic and blatantly stupid than the excuses we’re being handed for this (now more expensive) set of changes (that offer less) that no one can seem to actually justify with any real numbers, just how convenient it’s going to be for a certain set of players. The solution, as I pointed out. is always, stfu, sit down, muh ecosystem, muh greater good, blah blah blah. Adapt adapt adapt.
My broad brushed statement wasn’t any worse than anything coming from the dev’s original post on this. And if the CSM happen to agree with them, then screw us all. They’ll get what they want. It’s the way of things.

It’s going to happen. It shouldn’t, and some posters like Ivy are dead on, but it will happen. I was simply pointing out the absurdity of it all when flipped around.

It doesn’t really matter. At the end of the day, it’s just pixels.
And no, you can’t have my pixels. None of them.


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If you read the whole thread, you know I already have, more than once.

Pffft, I’m already being handed half a dozen supercapitals and associated pixels over this, and that’s even after I say ‘but I’m unsubbed…’

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Now I actually fear for the game.

I agree the medium structures are not that expensive.
Ex a Raitaru is at 450mil and the core at 800 mil. You online one with 1.5 bil and have some modules in there.
One issue in this I see if you want to rig the medium structure. If you want to make an industry Raitaru and want to put some T2 rigs, the cost of one of them is 1.7-1.8 billion to make and 2 bil to buy in Jita at the current prices.
If you are an industrial group and put 2 T2 rigs and 1 T1 rig (maximum allowed) you can see a price of 4.5 billion only in rigs.
That will increase the overall value of the structure to 6 bil which can be a little expensive for a little/medium industrial group. With the new changes they can die faster and it is not that affordable to rig the structure anymore.
Is there a way to look into the Structure rigs for the medium structures. Make them cheaper if possible and of course some nerfs can be included. The difference between medium and Large structures after rigging is not that big. Maybe work on there a little as a compensation for lower costs.

Thank you for your time!


Observations so far:

Any structure reinforced previously to structure are super easy to kill and take hardly any time. Ten minutes max…

And that makes medium structures utterly useless.

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Or how about this analogy: You buy a mansion, investing a major portion of your resources to provide a place for your family to live. All of a sudden, the city you are living in suddenly changes its laws to make it easier for big corporations to exercise eminent domain and buy your mansion out from under you and tear it down. Yes, you can try and fight it in court, but it would cost your family an arm and a leg to defend it.

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This is where that analogy fails. An Astrahus is the equivalent of a space apartment.

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Yeah, thats probably why it is a huge space structure of 44km diameter, times larger than a Titan, the biggest ship eve has to offer. Thats why it has corporation offices available, Factories, Markets, Reactors, Research Centers and Docking bays that can hold hundreds of spaceships. Thats exactly what anyone thinks of when “space apartment” comes to his mind. It’s truly designed for the solo player who ever wanted to just have an apartment in space to watch the stars and spin his ship. True Story told by Brisc Rubal™.

Just no.

The nullblob successfully lied and deceived CCP (once again) to believe there was a “huge problem” to adress and they were stupid enough (once again) to believe you. All over completely selfish interests on the expense of everyone else. To get rid of inconveniences that were the result of your own failures and lazyness. Its obvious for anyone reading this topic, hence the feedback speaks for itself. But constructive feedback was never wanted anyway, was it?

Well, CCP will get undesired feedback over the next months. The small WH corp I am in has already begun to evac all M-structures and will sell the hole and move out. It’s simply undefendable now for a small group of casuals. About half of the active players have already indicated that they will quit playing during the summer and most will not come back. The other half might try to live out of POSes until these get nerfed into the ground as well and only the blob remains as single solution to every situation. And a few might even join the blob out of frustration because there is no other way of survival any more, feeding the people they hate, obeying orders they disgust, just staying in the game not for enjoyment but for the only reason not to lose everything they built themselves over the years. A gameplay experience of frustration and anger, not one of dreams and goals any more.

Good job CCP, Good job!


Ok except for the “buy” part.

It’s a medium sized structure. It costs less than a well fitted blops battleship. It’s core can be moved with a battleship. You can’t dock capitals, supers or titans in it. It’s literally referred to in the game as the “entry level upwell structure.”

I wish you’d have spent more time trying to figure out the new meta, rather then spend it all bitching at me. If you’d done that, maybe you’d be able to figure out how to do what you want to do, and your corp wouldn’t be falling apart and your members wouldn’t be quitting. Then again, maybe they’d be quitting anyway, because it doesn’t seem like they were that committed in the first place.

As for us, we had a full 256 person fleet out hitting structures yesterday and enjoying the speed we could clear them. Nobody was complaining.

I’ll have to agree on some of this. I heard the price of a reasonably fit one and now that I’ve heard its volume and capabilities, it is hardly an apartment. Give me a 500 Mil Mobile Depot with a garage and pseudo-cloak (hides from dscan, not probes), made out of the 3rd little pig’s bricks. That would be an apartment for single living.

Yeah thanks for showing again and again that you have no clue what “small corp life” even means. If you need 50 active pvp-skilled people with billion-isk-wallets to have chances to defend such a structure, maybe CCP needs to be told that the “entry bar” is slightly too high for these upwell structures. Especially if they want to replace POSes.

The new meta around upwell structures is bad game design from all perspectives. At great length explained in this topic alone, from which not a single argument have been successfully defeated but ignored over and over.

We had figured out what we wanted to do and we successfully did it for quite some time, despite all this bad game design and all the onesidedness of the mechanics against us. We had our little niche, paying CCP our cash and enjoying our little sandcastle we could build on in return.
But too much is too much, there comes a point where it’s simply not worth the effort any more. My members are people who actually made the game a better place for everyone, not harassing others, offering them services and products and trying to be friendly and supportive even and especially to weaker ones, newbies without ISK, SP and and chain of blues.
But that’s probably something you cannot even understand. They could have become long-year-loyal customers if they had the opportunity to just grow and create in this last little niche of lowclass WHs. But thats now gone as well. Now you either have to join the blob or lick it’s feet to ever have a place you can call “your own”.

Yeah, I can imagine that. The F1-blobbers have no reason to complain in this game at all. It is especially designed for you, burning weaker/newer peoples stuff with as little inconvenience as possible. And if anyone figures out any way of resisting, you run to CCP to nerf it because you are lazy and greedy at the same time.



more like a studio in tokyo. Even ‘small groups’ have fortizars.

Can I have all your stuff?


Please stop saying things like this to cast things as ‘affordable’ for small groups, man. It’s like telling someone running L2 missions ‘pffft, you should totally be able to afford a Marauder for that’.


Go read the in-game description of an Astrahus.

Surely not. Every new alpha deserves my support way more than you do. After the poor performance of exchanging arguments in this topic, you do not deserve any support at all.

But thanks for finally showing true colors after (not successful) trying to create a fassade of “caring for the greater good” in this topic. CCP will get the bill for listening to the selfish advisors at some point. Keep poisoning the environment until you are the last one left to turn off the light. Great Job, you have truly “won EvE” then.

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I have. That doesn’t mean ‘it costs less than a BlOps’ is ‘affordable’. Hell, my old corp had 4 towers operating in a C4 before any of us bought our first Strategic Cruiser, let alone a ship on the scale of a modern Black Ops’ value.

The whole point of pooling resources to purchase structures is that it’s something your group buys less frequently than ships, that it doesn’t need to get replaced all the time. So structures—since well before Cits went in—were things people bought before they could afford a Black Ops. And they still are.