Silver Suspiria [FEDUP-XO] for CSM 13

I figured it out - good luck Silver :slight_smile:


Please help :frowning:

Also got my vote.


How do you intend to continue running a large Alliance and represent other parts of Low Sec? Are you worried that your participation in the CSM vote is splitting the support for low sec candidates?


I think I can answer that. Silver is the XO, which means he is in charge of supplies. Additionally, we have other XOs as part of the member corps that handle affairs as needed. I do not see a conflict between this and the CSM, however, we are prepared to compensate by placing a new Alliance XO if needed. A properly functioning CSM is a very high priority for all of us at FEDUP.


I did my fair amount of lvl 4 missions by myself and noticed how much dog tags were dropping from these missions. I really love those faction modules but here is my problem.

-If you do only lvl 4 missions you dont have (or have very little) access to those captains dog tags that gives you access to some of those small/medium modules. You are actually forced to do lvl 3 and under.
-Even after doing around 18 missions in a row and salvaging everything (which took me around 8 hours multiboxing salvager and dps ship), you can still feel the amount of modules you have access to is limited even tho the base value of dog tags was reaching half a billion (you have to work hard for your federal navy drone damage amplifier, could only convert maybe 4 or 5 of them after those exhausting 8 hours). You might say its not bad but you need to consider that I was multiboxing heavily in order to make it viable, and I donā€™t think it should be a prequesite for it.

I feel like those items are nice but the effort you need to put in order to get a set for a single ship is ridiculous for some item, considering faction warfare missions are the best place to gather those. They should simplify the dog tag requirement OR give me the chance to trade some of those High end dog tags (admirals, vice-admiral) for some lower grade one so I dont have to do small missions to get some faction small guns OR create a faction currency where you can sell your dog tags for it instead of having the exact amount of dog tags needed. Considering that the ships dont have to follow those rules is pretty much one of the reason why people are always going for them, its much more easier to acquire a VNI than a Federal Navy 5MN microwarpdrive.

People might disagree but there is a reason why small federal navy blaster is a rare thing, its not worth it and I think its sad. Nerf if if you need to but I think we should make those more available for people doing missions and the market in general.

What do you think about that silver?


I feel that CCP is progressing with citadels but there is still work to be done.

They said feature parity with outposts and posā€™s should be a thing but outposts enable you to target their sub-systems and allow disabling their clone bay etc until repaired so when outposts are changed into citadels will citadels have sub-system targeting?

And because I have not heard anything about it from CCP, this leads me to conclude [no matter how prematurely] that citadels will NOT have feature parity with outposts in this sense.

Personally I would like to see entities being able to target citadel components, like their weaponry, clone bay and if their weaponry is destroyed then they can simply slot in another turret to replace it/repair it or something like that. I would like to know how CCP plan on iterating on their fairly new feature with citadels as a whole and why they have left out the sub-system targeting at the time.

Also how will CCP combat capital proliferation and how will they stop eve turning into ā€˜Capitals Onlineā€™?


Hi there,

I wanted to ask a few questions focused on your understanding and opinions of Highsec PVP:

Do you think that wardecs need a rework by CCP? If so, what do you think the core issues are with wardecs?

Do you agree with with the suggestion made by CSM XII to change wardec mechanics so that only corporations that have anchored structures can be wardecced?

Do you think there needs to be an alternative intel tool for wardecs now that watchlists have been removed?

Would you be interested in joining the Wardec Project discord to further discuss wars?

Do you think ganking is balanced?

Do you think there is a way to make ganking more interactive for those looking to prevent ganks?

Do you think having a cap on how long you can keep a ship bumped before it can safely warp off would be a good change?

Good luck on your campaign!



I vote yes for Silver Suspiria.


Agreed with Ash, our Alliance has an outstanding team of leaders. I am confident FEDUP will continue to run well while I perform my duties as CSM. I believe the voting mechanics allow for if I dont get elected for my votes to slide down to the next candidate. So I am not worried about splitting votes.


I think you may good points, and I think FW missions and the LP stores need a pass. And these are all very solid points.


Coming back from fanfest, I did not hear any discussion about adding the ability to attack certain systems of a citadel like we did with out posts. I suppose that could be an interesting addition to attacking upwell structures but of course the goal is to shift towards blowing up assets, so why not attack the structure and take it down as a whole?
Personally I think capitals are in a pretty healthy place right now. But of course I would like to focus on helping CCP make the Small Gang / Medium Sized alliance mode of game play more rich and viable.


As far as war decs, I would encourage you to check out that discussion on the Eve Universe Podcast where myself and the panel covered this in pretty good detail.

The short answer is yes I think the wardec mechanic needs some attention. I think wardecs are used more as griefing mechanic more then anything. I dont like any mechanic that allows someone to do damage to another player with no risk to themselves.

I think yes, corporations should have something to counter attack to enter into a war dec. I think there are potential issues there, like just owning a cheap, empty Raitaru. I like the idea of only being able to war dec corporations in a constellation or surrounding constellations of a structure you have down.

No I dont think we need a new intel tool, if anything we should be removing free intel tools.

Yes I would love to join the wardec project discord link me.

Yes I think Ganking is balanced. Thats sort of a wide general question so in General Ganking mechanics are balanced.

No I think a person that is aware of their surroundings, knows the risks, and limits their risk can mitigate ganking just fine.

As far as bumping, yes I think the mechanic is pretty troll. I would like to see some real stats on how many players face this though.

Feel free to reach out with any further comments or questions.


Well one thing is that it would enable small groups of folk to have an impact on even heavily fortified citadels though I feel citadel weaponry has to be slightly better to compensate [AI Targeting Module when no-one is around for direct control?]. Would very much like citadel gun turrets. Attacking various parts of a citadel would add a more tactical element to attacking them.

One other thing, we have a new map and an old map, the Old Map is imo the better option yet is not as readable [especially when flattened and the stars overlap], can not be windowed or zoomed in as far like the New Map. there are options the old map has that the new map has not.

Basically I would like the old map to have the features of the new map. Is CCP going to decide what happens in this regard or is the two map system the one they will stick with [not that there is anything particular wrong with that]. The New Map is the default option, people often do not realise there is another one.


I removed a few posts that broke the forum rules. Please keep it civil folks.


Yet another troll. Gotta love TISHU.


I encourage you to produce any proof of your claims


Standup guy, donā€™t listen to the trolls.


I have been on numerous fleet with Silver and all I can tell is this: he is the leader you want to help you run your alliance. Heart at the good place and disciplined at running fleet. This guy posses competence that you can only respect. Present on nearly every freakin CTA to support people. Involved in the Eve online community.

Silver for CSM anytime.


Can someone please get control of all this? An alliance that is fighting Silverā€™s alliance in-game is trying to slander and sabotage this thread.


Removed several off topic posts. Please keep it civil, any further additional rules violations will be dealt with. Thank you.