Singularity Accessibility Update

i mean, your are the one spouting insults here.

With this new dynamic, the plan is to have testing periods for Singularity to test larger features where we can meaningfully address bugs and feedback.

I would also like to add that for those dedicated bug hunters out there, the ISD ECAID bug hunting program is accepting applications: Volunteer teams - Volunteer System




I mean. We reported like 800 issues with photcrap before it was pushed as a feature (that you had to go into the options to turn off mind you) and you still pushed it as main. it still has bugs from release.


Yes. which is why its a test server
its for testing things.


There are two main issues with closing the test server this way.

One as others have stated it will exasperate the wealth disparity in the game. New PvE content will get released and only those who can afford it will be able to test it and know what fits will work ect. Will that get trickled down to the rest of the game yes but not until the folks who already have trillions have made even more trillions of ISK. Now is this really that big of a deal not really, just exasperates an existing issue and is honestly a symptom of a bigger issue.

The second issue I see with this is the test server allowed players to see or experience content that they would otherwise never get to experience. While also not a big issue is something that I think the devs should consider and maybe look at moving the Epic arcs out of Null and Low sec all together and into high sec. Making the pirate faction areas more accessible to all players not just who ever holds Sov in the area ect.

Also not a big issue just something to think about.


this is the point i was trying to make. people who can already afford to risk it will get the rewards.
those who cannot are gatekept


a badge or medal for participating on this activities o your character on the main server would be enough. maybe a pack of cerebral accelerators on the main server if you complete something important in SiSi

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Maybe those people with great wealth took more risks than you in the long run. They didnt amass great wealth by sitting around on the test server that for sure.

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or they just brought plex.
or joined someone who already had money.
or did content people had already figured out by testing


UMMM, AND??? that means there needs to be more, time to see the content right?,… Not ohhh heres everything on tq and sisi for the patch the same day


And how is that related to finding bugs?

Which would be done during a specific test window, the only part needed would be to know if things cause expected results

Thats what TQ is for, not sure why you need SISI to test that

They aren’t bragging, they are stating a fact, because most people aren’t actually looking for bugs when they use SISI

How is this a downgrade? SISI is for finding bugs, not for you to play with toys risk free

Which is part of the reason it needed to go away, people weren’t using it for its intended purpose

The disappointing part is people using it for learning instead of its intended purpose, finding bugs

Which, again, is not its actual reason for existing

Its for finding bugs, actual testing, not for testing how mechanics work or for testing optimal fits, which is what lots of people were actually using it for

Its naive to think that guides won’t be created for content or that people won’t publish optimal fits for things, nothing will really change other than the fact that all testing will need to be done while actually risking a ship instead of getting to run the site 100 times and explode each time without it costing you anything

Yes, and there will be testing windows for things they actually want your input in and for you to test to find bugs


in response to my quote becuase i dont know how to work this ancient forum system.

Unless they dont make a guide for it, and keep it to themselves.

Seeing as though mass tests are usually 3-4am my time, I’ll never be able to actually test or bug report on SISI.

No more reference shots of ships/structures for content creators, no more sound recording for modding, no more youtube vids of showing off particle effects or Titan DD’s.

I’m genuinely disappointment, this is a massive step backwards for the community.


“Testing high value fits in a safe environment” was probably what CCP was trying to kill this whole time. Not just for PVE krabbing, but also high stakes PVP.

Still, that does mean that only those with deep wallets can experiment freely anymore. Hard to test how to counter lancer plays if you can’t afford or fly one, or have someone you can trust at the helm.


In which case get there and figure it out, why are you expecting handouts?


This makes no sense.

“If they have less time to test a new patch on the Test server, there’ll be less bugs. Also, if they can’t test when finding a new bug already present on Tranq, those bugs will be found/fixed faster.”

There’s no reason to not do focused testing on SiSi while leaving it up and running, unless there’s other reasons. You even mention yourself that those events have happened in the past.

Removing an important tool to fix issues with the game, and for general testing of gameplay mechanics, is a negative for the community.


Love the salt this is producing. :salt: :salt: :popcorn: :popcorn:


Welcome to Eve buddy

at least final question is easy because of pyfa.

about first one - you can just dualbox at least. After you afford to replace both pallys. If it went good → add one more pally.

also I don’t think dread escalation wave will kill lancer if you prepare for it (like, not sieging while warping full heavy armor fleet with nestors to the site. cannot do these kind of tests because of being solo player? then how you plan to operate lancers at all?)