that only makes sense as long as they’re releasing new content. Which happens maybe once a year. The rest of the time it’s about testing how to catch up to the content that YOU already min-maxed when Sisi was still availiable 23/7
Yup but now with ever increasing costs and needs to hit budgets, the decision to actually enforce what its for had to be made imo
It should have been done years ago for sure
Which is still not what the server is actually for
Which isn’t what the server is for
Oh no, the server is being used for things it wasn’t intended for, clearly all the people who do must be wrong in their ways!
There’s nothing won for anyone from closing it down.
Sure there is, it means you’re not paying for hosting and maintenance of something that doesn’t provide what it was intended to provide, you just spin it up as and when its required instead of leaving it running 24/7
Personally i think this should have been done a long time ago
I don’t want to be one who overly complains, however, the stated goal here is unlikely to be achieved by these means. Access to the test server regularly helps find new bugs and glitches. This not only REDUCES incentives for mass testing, but it actually actively reduces opportunities to test features.
This is likely to lead to a reduction in CCP’s ability to find bugs in new content, and not an increase. The stated goal of this shift is not likely to be achieved. This is, in my opinion, a poor decision that will negatively impact CCP’s ability to deliver quality content in the future.
If they’re so strapped for cash that shutting down the test server is a necessity, I don’t think EVE realistically is much longer for this world. That’s the kind of thing you do when a game is on its way out of the door.
I’ve never been an “EVE is dead” doomer but if this decision was made because they needed the money, yikes.
Its not about being strapped for cash, its about making sure your profits don’t drop, shareholders get upset if you’re not constantly showing a larger and larger profit number, so cutting costs to prevent that number going down is pretty normal
I think the fact that they need to take things away from the players in order to meet profit demands rather than creating new things for players pretty much says the same thing.
sounds like they have been brought by gaimago lol
Why ? I mean is CCP running out of money ?
It was always extra work to get singularity updated to use, or verify accounts for use on singularity. These changes wont be increasing my time spent on sisi. Most likely these changes will further reduce any time i would spend on sisi.
Your poorly made documents and descriptions cannot tell how items work, leaving the only way to learning them is trying them on your own. For instances.
Who knows how to activate the jump drive via right click your ship/capacitor without trying it? Most players aren’t touching any capital ship at all. There are also no tips of how the structure deployments works in the game until you try it. There are no description of how the TCU and IHub works in the game. You also don’t post hardpoint locations on ships and structures, nor show them in the fitting simulate and preview, leaving us the only way to test it is just assemble/deploy it in space. Without trying them on your own, you cannot tell what will happen when you enter a site, especially when you are putting some 200km optimal frigates buster there.
How many contents you are gated behind “try it on your own”?
You already have not seeded many items in the game, removing all structure in wormhole and clearing moon and null sec sov to prevent spy data without risk. Aren’t they are still not enough?
You’re doing something against your claimed purpose. This will not reducing the amount of exploits experienced in TQ, but increasing it instead.
This will only leads to reduced quality of your future production.
Skill points on SISI already cheap since players can just extract and remap their skills, not to mention there are availability of massive skill injectors. You already realized the skill points reward is basically cheap, but rather than improve it, you choose to nullify the reward entirely?
You have your own secured private server to run this thing, right? Why you have to deploy changes you don’t want people to see in a server that is public to players, and making SISI inaccessible rather than not deploying it to SISI?
After all, I only see your purpose is just close SISI for lazy to maintain your servers cluster. You can make a way better explain like “We are shutting down SISI to get more performance resource for less TIDI in TQ.” I bet with it, less player will argument about SISI down.
And I see the comments below it is just a toxic environment. Classic EVE Online where people just cannot avoid venting to others. Just be polite when you are posting disagreements to us and others.
Dont forget sisi is a great way to test if something is against the rules without getting banned on the main server. on sisi you can just get one of the ccp members to say “yeah nah” and then its all fine.
like i had the idea of putting a structure inside a sun, is that okay? who knows, i have no way to test it
I used to occasionally go to Sisi to test some stuff out, here are my 2 cents on this. Yes, it sucks not have that safe environment outside Tranq to test your theories, but EVE is like life, there is no second servers for life, if you mess up in life you ll feel the consequences so it is only natural that EVE would be like that. Sisi was always just a privilege and not a necessity. Lets face it, Sisi was never meant for new players, they dont have enough SP for anything anyway. So I do agree with CCP not having the test server will positively impact the main server, more activity, more chances to mess up. Moreover this will increase the communication among the players and speed up the knowledge transfer from veterans to newer players. Solo players nowadays can find any information in either video guides/streams or written sites, the average player doesn’t really need the sisi anymore as we used to in the past when information was scarce. The try hard players who like to never have to risk anything to get the perfect fits, i guess you guys will have to risk your ■■■■ like the rest of us then, fair. Yeah i will miss the ability to roam an empty EVE map and feed uber bling fits to blood raiders, drifters and abyssal space, etc, it was fun to lose stuff without any consequence, but that is like using cheat codes in GTA. Admittedly, the test server provided too much information to dedicated players who could desing and test setups to win in every situation. Now they will have to test these setups in live situtations on tranq providing more content in the main universe and not on a parallel one, which will make them get better faster. I guess this will have a positive impact overall but only time will tell. All i can tell for now is that i will miss SISI like I miss captain quarters.
regular events gone, proving grounds gone and now sisi gone. i get more and more disappointed, cant even be bothered to explain it reasonable.
A few years ago a friend in my corp convinced me that figuring things out on the test server detracted from the game itself, so I agreed to give it a try. Turned out he was right. I get the value of having a place to try stuff out risk free, but it does take something away from the victory when you know you’ll win before you undock. Part of the attraction of the EvE universe is the fact that losses hurt. I can’t say that I’m happy it’s being taken away from others, but I won’t miss it.
It bad news for players who want test some mechanic
Pilot, who get first dread / carrier / big toy and want see how work specific modules? Suffer, CCP closed access to SiSi.
FC, who want tested new ship, and thinking about implementation? Suffer, CCP closed access to SiSi.
Young corp or alliance want testing structures, modules, sov mechanic - yes, you suffer, CCP closed access.
1 month ago i want testing some stuff, but SiSi was closed. Thanks CCP, i don’t known how work one of a lot of game mechanic, but i don’t want test in on TQ, because it expensive.
Oooohhh what a day