Ah coolio! Last mirror it seemed to be using the data from SiSi and I doubt my Osprey only cost 23.100 isk but I wouldn’t be against it.
Crashing on wine on mac serious error in exe EBR-160782
Just FYI, tried logging into Sisi again, and 2FA is still borked. And I’ve been using the same phone / app for months and months on TQ. Your mirror may be recent, but it seems like the 2FA is not. Or it’s out of sync for some reason.
Why can’t you guys just disable 2FA on Sisi entirely? It’s not like hacking in and messing with someone’s Sisi assets is going to be a problem. And hacking into Sisi isn’t going to do them any good for hacking into TQ.
2FA is killing me on Sisi.
I’ve waited months for this mirror because 2FA was stopping me logging into the test server. New mirror, same issue. F
So this new build, is this called “The Curse of the Keepstar” or what?
The camera keeps freezing, the client keeps freezing and if you undock a second time you get stuck on undock - yeay.
It is almost fun to relog every 10 minutes.
There is a work around to get in if you have the 2FA mismatch problem. On windows launcher, click the E on the top right, click server list, then a window will pop up with the two servers. Click ‘Play on singularity’. It will load the game pre-launcher. Log in as usual
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