Skill Point Resurgence Part 2

Interesting response.

As well, it used to be about acquiring skill through experience. Not the purchasing of SP that you may or may not have a clue how to use effectively.

That one change in focus has changed the game forever. And not for the better, in my opinion.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:


I can see the logic in that argument. I can totally see where you are coming from.

But……… There’s always a but :slight_smile:

How long have you been playing EVE? How many skill points do you have? Unlike any other MMO’s out there its not possible for new players to “catch up”. Playing other MMO’s max level or soft caps for equipment can be achieved through a couple of weeks of grinding. But in Eve a new player signing up today is 100’s of millions of skill points behind and as long as veteran players have active skill queues new players can never close that gap. That’s got to be an issue in new player retention right? The realisation that no matter how hard you work you will always be behind. Skill injectors and buying plex give new players at least the option to pay in order to close the gap a little. I think thats good for the game.

And yes i totally understand that a player with hardly any skills that knows what they are doing can best a high sp character that doesn’t understand the mechanics. But a new player starting out isnt going to care about those details. They just want to be able to see a way to progress and be able to compete and they see sp as the way to do that.

I honestly don’t see the downside. But i do see how players that have been around for a long time can feel it’s undermining the work they have put in. But what’s the alternative given the massive sp gulf that exists between those of you that have been around since the naughties and the new blood that signed up last week?

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Already you can get whatever SP or gear you’re willing to pay for on the market from another player by buying PLEX, selling it on the market for ISK, and trading that ISK for injectors or items as it pleases you. There is no need for a direct sale of these items from CCP.


what sp gulf ? so what if i have 100 mill sp and you have 1 mill . at any one time i am using a tiny fraction of those sp and if you are focusing training on a ship or fit you can be equal to me in a few weeks if its a small ship, months for a bigger ship but i dont fly big ships they are not fun.

Furthermore a newbie isnt supposed to be flying big skill intensive ships they are tiny minnows swimming in a sea of sharks trying to not get eaten and maybe dreaming of one day being one of the sharks. alternatively they may just enjoy the challenge of not being eaten its a sandbox and either is good.

i just dont understand the idea that folk have of “catching up” thats a concept from other games and has little relevance in eve, maybe ccp should explain this to newbies better.


How many times does this need to be disproved?

Most activities in eve max out at only a few million sp.

You’re not flying a Carrier or a frigate any better at 100m sp than you would be with 25m sp.

Only advantages you have over a new player is real experience and connections

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What the reality is matters a bit less than what a new players perception is. A new player isnt going to listen to a whole host of if buts and maybes. They are going to look at the situation and make a decision at face value.

And yes certainly for loads of activities not that many sp is needed. But that assumes a singular focus on activities. How long before that same players can compete on passive/semi passive income streams as well.

At the end of the day. CCP want to sell it. Players want to buy it. That means Eve looks profitable and merits developer attention.

Somebody mentioned empathy earlier. Try wearing a newbie hat guys. See it from the other side :slight_smile:

I see all this SP being sold is what they “acquired” from all the banned accounts over the years

What I see is an official perpetuation of the misguided idea that one can, in any way, buy their way to Eve success, but this time it’s CCP that’s taken it upon themselves to exploit, through aggressive marketing, this weakness in their target audience to reap financial benefit from people who don’t know any better.

When you can both exploit a class of people and convince them you’re doing them a favor at the same time, you really have it made, I guess.


I’d agree with that if we were talking about kids. But the average age of an eve player is verging on middle aged. Surely at that point people are capable of making informed choices?

We aren’t talking about other people. We were on the subject of why the decision to market these things by CCP is reviled. Regardless of the success or failure of the marketing campaign, or the degree to which it generates revenue, the language is exploitative, and perpetuates a misguided view of the value of the items for sale to get people to buy them.

I said before, people could already buy any of these things off the market with however much PLEX they wanted to spend. CCP is going to these lengths to convince you that you want or need them. If people were able to make informed choices, then they’d be able to decide they want them, and buy them, without CCP’s directly marketing and selling them to you.

I’m going to add that it is in a veteran’s best interest to let new players buy whatever they want from wherever they want to get it. Players with expensive toys and no experience to back it up are profitable. The general consensus is that wallet warriors end up financing their enemies more often than not.

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The CSM still represents the players.

I have argued against these skill point sales for a while. It did nothing. They do not care what you, me, or anybody else thinks so long as these sales are making money.

If you won’t vote for me because I’m being honest with you, so be it.

Get over it. You can complain as loudly as you want, but it won’t make a difference to CCP. People are buying these packs, and that’s why they keep offering them. The only way to get them to stop is for folks to not buy them. So if you really don’t like these, convince your friends not to buy them. That’s literally the only way to stop them from being sold.

And, again, I’m sorry if you guys are getting butthurt about my being honest.


Here is a thought,

How about the CSM Reps help to educate newbies and stuff…

Like this particular thing, how it is so much cheaper for a 1 year sub and much more beneficial to a player.

Why are the CSM not screaming at the top of tower how CCP is trying to Rob its playerbase?

The vast majority of my time in this game has been devoted to helping new players. And I too was once a new player. I know what it’s like and what’s hard too do.

I also know how bad injectors have been for them along with the marketing pushed on them by the NPE.

CCP should be dispelling the false importance of sp, not reinforcing it.

Also this campaign is aimed at older players to get them to resub alts or come back to the game. So “think of the children” isn’t remotely applicable.


cough cough

CCP selling Orepacks by 2022 ?

And no, they still would not give a ■■■■.

Also, lol @Brisc_Rubal blatantly here to just save his face with the “honesty” act …

Your words are the words of CSM.
If your own messaging is this bad - then who needs you?

If you want to pipe in personally, then reply on an alt.

–Gadget replies


Because they do not care what we think in that regard.

Listen, I’ve been in these meetings. I have railed against the ads. I’ve complained to the guys who wrote them. I’ve complained to the head of marketing. I’ve complained to the head of business for the whole company. I’ve told them they alienate players with this stuff, that their blast email database is junk, that they’ve broken promises to not do this kind of thing, that people view their ads as predatory.

I’ve said ALL of that stuff.

They don’t care. People are still buying the stuff.

I don’t know what else you guys expect us to do. I’m giving you the best advice there is: don’t buy this ■■■■, and get your friends not to buy it. Otherwise, they will keep doing it.

I have no idea what this means. I’m not trying to save face. I’m trying to explain why you all are wasting your time whining about this.

You have no idea what you’re talking about. I speak for myself.


I do my part…

But you know, CSM, not just you…all of you on that stupid Council, Pcgamer, Blogs, Twitch channles, making your own Youtubes…

Rookie Chat

What is does teh NDA prevent you from truly Representing us??

You have to give your RL name and address to CCP , so not just game…but you are our RL Reps…

So do your damn jobs!!

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Ohhh Brisc, I continue to wonder why you bother bud.

These ads seem to be on a quarterly cycle, same with the MCT bundles and whatnot. Every quarter pretty much the same people pop up with the same complaints and accuse Brisc - who is actually being honest, I’m sure - of some form of collusion.

I mean, if you look at this as “Game company in 2021 sells things it makes up from nothing, for free, for large sums of cash” it is no different to literally every game.

This bridge has been crossed. Thoroughly. Almost every player I know has taken advantage of one or another of these types of offer since I’ve been back in the game. So yeah. It works, CCP gets lots of cash, the vocal minority that are outraged are more than outweighed by the majority who are happy to pay for SP. This goose is done, folks.

Have you ever tried shoving a golden egg back into the goose? If not, give it a go when you’re next near any geese, lemme know how that works out


Why are we surprised about a typical asian cash grab? CCP does not run the show their masters do.